Chapter 2

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Kim Taeyeon practically fled from that room, her heart pounding in her chest.

Seriously, why had she stuck around after that random run-in with him?

She couldn't make sense of it, but the need to get away was just too strong.

Like, what was she even doing?

She walked down the corridor, each step taking her farther from that awkward moment. But she couldn't shake off the sensation of his touch on her skin. Deny it all she wanted, but it was still there-an echo of something that used to be so familiar. It was the same hand that used to hold hers in moments that now felt like ancient history.

With each step, memories flooded her mind. Laughter, secrets shared, stolen glances-it all played like a movie in her head. Nostalgia hit her, a mix of bitter and sweet tugging at her heart.

Walking down the hallway, she couldn't help but replay the feel of his hand on hers.

Ugh, why was I even dwelling on that?

She mentally shook herself.

Seriously, am I losing it?

She finally reached the recording studio, a welcomed change of scene after that whole ordeal with him.

Not like it was entirely my fault. He could've moved out of the way when he saw me coming.

Inside the dimly lit studio, Taeyeon struggled to get into the right mood for recording. The song was supposed to be all sweet and joyful, but she just wasn't feeling it. Mistakes kept happening, and the production team wasn't exactly thrilled.

When the recording finally ended, and the daylight outside started to fade, she was relieved. She said her goodbyes, left her management behind, and headed to the parking lot.

But what the heck?

Baekhyun was leaning against the car next to hers. Talk about unexpected. She couldn't help but wonder if he did that on purpose.

Why would he park right next to my car in this huge empty lot?

But then she remembered his car was there before hers. She mentally slapped herself for jumping to conclusions.

She debated whether to wait for him to leave before making her move. But before she could decide, their eyes met. She saw that flicker of recognition on his face, and then it turned all cold and indifferent.

Seriously, the nerve.

Fine, if he was gonna be all distant, she'd just be professional and cool. She marched to her car with a purpose, giving him a side-eye glance. She half-wished he'd give her some sort of nod or acknowledge her seniority in the industry. But no, he was just glued to his phone.

Well, he can't be blamed at all. Besides, she's the one who started this whole ignoring thing, and he's just playing along.

She got into her car and started to drive off. She took one last look in the rearview mirror. He was still absorbed in his phone, and a weird mix of satisfaction and longing bubbled up inside her.

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