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the battle of sokovia

SEVEN—the battle of sokovia

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as the war machine keeps turning,
death and hatred to mankind.

THE PEOPLE OF SOKOVIA ran out of their homes and drove as fast as the traffic would allow. The streets were in chaos as the group of heroes tried to evacuated the civilians before Ultron put his plan on going. Tendrils of scarlet magic flowed throughout the city and entering people's minds to force them to get out. A girl dressed in black flew above the city, the small accents of gold in her clothing glistened with the weak rays of sun that were still lingering in the sky. She lowered down a bit to scan the buildings surrounding her to see if there was anyone inside. "Hey, WEDNESDAY. You see anyone here?"

"There's a man on the brown building in front, Miss. Sixth floor, left corner." 

Bella broke into the old-looking building through the window and set a foot on the small living room. Grunts were coming from the door on the right. The girl moved towards the sound and opened the room's door. A man, probably a teenager, was trapped underneath a bookshelf, he was desperately trying to lift the heavy furniture off his body. "Hold on, hold on!" The girl rushed to the man, who didn't look a day older than twenty-five. "I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" Her armored hands took the wood bookshelf within them and so did the man's in an attempt to help her. "No, no, I'll do this. You just stay still, buddy." The man nodded his head as Arabella pushed with all her strength the bookshelf to the side. The furniture fell next to them with a loud thud, breaking slightly in the process. 

The boy's mocha hand took Bella's as he sat down. "Thank you." The girl's lips curved into a small smile but it turned into a frown when her gaze lowered. It was then she saw that one of his shoulders was dislocated. 

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Charlie. C-Charlie Spencer." The boy introduced himself.

"Well, I'm-" 

"I know who you are." Charlie slightly smiled at her.

"Okay. Um, Charlie Spencer, I'm going to have relocate your shoulder." Her finger pointed at the bone that was prodding on his skin in an odd way. Charlie shuddered, was relocating a shoulder painful? He thought that it probably was. "Okay. One. Two." Her metal-clad hands gently positioned themselves on his shoulder. They shared a look before the girl nodded reassuringly and proceeded. "Three." 

A strangled scream left Charlie's mouth. He held his now relocated shoulder with his other hand. "You good, Charlie?"

"Yes, yes. Thank you."

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