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―the two sides of the force

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Her touch can be gold and healing
or dark and poisonous.

"SOULS ARE LIKE LIVING BATTERIES. THEY'RE FULL OF ENERGY―FULL OF LIGHT." Odin and Arabella found themselves in the gardens once more, this time for a lesson. Since the girl had learned how to control the Sword of Light, she had to learn about the background of her powers. "They power every living thing around us. Souls are vulnerable, ephemeral, but stronger than you know, and more valuable than you can imagine."

Odin waved a hand and an illusion of six colorful stones formed in the air, the same stones from the vision Wanda had inserted on her mind. Arabella's blue eyes glimmered with the brightness of the stones as she looked at them in awe. "After the universe came to be, the Big Bang forged an essential aspect of existence into six elemental crystals and hurtled them across the universe. The Infinity Stones. Each stone controls a certain aspect of life. Space, Reality, Power, Time, Mind," Each stone twinkled brighter than the rest at the mention of its name. "and Soul." The orange stone levitated towards the girl, stopping right before her eyes. 

"I've seen those, in a vision. My dad and uncle messed with the Mind Stone. Not a fun experience at all." She muttered. "They've seen Space Stone, too, back in the Battle of New York." Odin visibly cringed at the mention of the Battle of New York, but Arabella dismissed his reaction.

"The Stones are not to be messed with, child." That was all Odin said after her small rambling before clearing his throat and containing. "As I was saying, the capabilities and whereabouts of the Soul Stone are unknown. No one has ever seen the Stone, but it could prove to be the greatest threat out of all the Infinity Stones. Freya believed the Sword of Light was powered by the Soul Stone, and in her youth, she took a quest to find it, but she did not succeed."

Waving a hand across the air once again, Odin banished the illusion of the Stones and replaced it with one of the Sword of Light. "The Sword can take small amounts of soul energy and later release it at the will of its owner. And even though it takes energy from souls, it causes no harm to whomever or whatever the soul belongs to." 

An illusion of the Sword extracting soul energy from people and plants displayed in front of them. "Whoever wields the Sword of Light controls the soul energy it acquires. And as you've experienced, soul energy comes in handy on the battlefield." Bright wisps of energy merged into the weapon, creating a golden aura around it. "The Sword was created with the purpose to help you channel your powers. Whenever it's not being used, it rests in the Soul World, the pocket dimension of the Soul Stone."

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