Son of a Bastard

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Izuku stared at Shoto with narrowed eyes, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He stood blocking the door, while Shoto stood beside the cot in his room, overall looking confused.

The greenette, since the two had returned from their supply run, had been waiting for the opportunity to talk to Shoto about earlier. It wasn't like he was eager to pry, he was just a little curious.

Okay that was a lie, he was eager to pry.

He didn't have a lot to go on like Shoto had when he decided to look into Izuku's life. But he watched as Shoto froze up in Endeavor's presence, and that was all he needed.

So yes, Izuku knew this was petty revenge after Shoto had found out about Izuku's secrets, but maybe it was his child self that had thought it over. That child self that was never able to actually experience a childhood.

Shoto stared at Izuku, the greenette seeming lost in thought. The male had a feeling he knew why Izuku was here.

His father was the previous number two hero, now number one hero. And despite that, he still hadn't expected to see him, at least, not so soon.

It wasn't like he had a problem with telling Izuku, but the question was; how would he react?

If Izuku wanted answers, then that could lead to Shoto spilling the fact he was a hero's son. So, things could go three ways.

One; Izuku could react well, and understand.

Two; Izuku could end up in deep shock.

Three; Izuku could turn out angry at the news, and maybe even assume he was a traitor, and possibly kill him.

Shoto expected the third one, really.

"I'm going to get straight to the point," the greenette spoke, interrupting Shoto's thoughts, arms crossed. "What happened?"

Although the question was brief, and had little to no context behind it, Shoto knew what he was asking. It wasn't hard to figure out.

Shoto's face was blank, returning Izuku's blank but stern gaze. The moon was bright out, an almost full moon. The light illuminated the room through the shattered windows, passing shadows over the two.

Surprisingly, the tension wasn't thick. Not like when Shoto questioned Izuku. Though that probably had something to do with the fact Shoto truly had no problem sharing his past, he wasn't like his brother Dabi. He could care less if someone found out who he was.

The only thing he really worried about, was if the truth was out, would someone turn him in to his father?

Shoto hummed, his body relaxing as he took a seat on the cot. "Why'd you look so, shocked, to see the number one hero?" Izuku questioned further, seeming to try and find a word that best fit Shoto's reaction.

Shoto sighed, his shoulders rising in a shrug, "I guess, it was strange seeing him again." Wording it like that, Shoto realized what he did as confusion crossed the Izuku's features. His forehead creased, his nose scrunched, and his eyes narrowed.


Shoto could only sigh, Dabi was certainly going to kill him, but he felt compelled to tell Izuku about his past, so who was he to try and go against it?

"He's my father." The blunt answer left Izuku shocked, his eyes growing wider, and his lips parting.

"Endeavor is..." He mumbled, seeming unable to piece it together.

" father, yes, unfortunately." Shoto sighed, watching Izuku take in the information.

"Your father," Izuku's lips quirked up in a slight sneer as he spoke the last word, "is a hero."

Shoto stood as Izuku looked back up at him, not bothering to hide the shock and anger at the news. The half-n-half male towered over the shorter as he came to a stop in front of him, his lips in a thin line as he nodded.

"Unfortunately so."

"But you're a villain?" Izuku stated, well, more like questioned, staring up at Shoto with a confused frown.

Shoto glanced to the side, calm as ever as he explained, "that I am." He confirmed.

"I ran away with my brother years ago." Shoto looked back at Izuku, shocking him with the amount of hate now gleaming in his different colored eyes.

"I hate Endeavor, and I'll be sure to kill him one day." Shoto declared absently in the midst of his hatred.

"Why?" That question seemed to hit down memory lane. Shoto's eyes glossing over as he entered his own head.

"'Cause he's a bastard...."

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