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Now a fight with the two non-blood related brothers weren't regular occurrences. But when they did fight, they never lasted long, the longest being only three days. Now this may come off as a surprise, with the two being opposites, and villains, you'd think fighting with each other would be normal. But not for them, the two, when taken in by All For One, were raised differently. He taught them to act and treat each other as brothers. He had them spend hour upon hour with one another, getting used to the other. He'd tell them, "you need to work well with each other if you want to destroy All Might."

This caused the two to become close, inseparable almost. They never really fought, only being small arguments. The two never got physical with each other, no matter the argument. Now some seen that as a surprise, seeing as how Tomura is, but it was the truth, the two never laid a hand on each other.

All this caused them to have a close bond, though it may not seem like it. They may not show or give out hints, but the two were close. All they had to do was look at the other, and they'd be able to figure things out in a snap.

The two shared the same drive, the same motivation, and the same dream. They knew each other better than anyone.

"Where were you?"

"Like I told Kurogiri, a walk." Izuku had just walked into the main bar, finding his brother sitting at the counter. Kurogiri nowhere to be found. Tomura looked over at the greenette, his red eyes narrowed. He grunted, grabbing the glass in front of him, what he was drinking, unknown.

"Who'd you kill?" Izuku gave a small scoff, he knew that'd be asked, all Tomura had to do was look at him and he'd know.

"Some idiot who tried to rape a woman." Tomura watched the male from the corner of his eye, nodding his head at the answer.

"I spoke to Giran,"- began the shaggy haired male, Izuku now seated beside him- "he's going to bring over some possibly future recruits." Ah, yes. The two had recently sent a swarm of Nomu's out to the city, after meeting the Hero Killer: Stain. Kurogiri thought it'd be a good idea to recruit the killer, though that served as a blank. In fact, the killer was the topic the two ended in a fight about, it was small, but Tomura had said something to hit a nerve, leading to Izuku storming out.

Izuku nodded, just as Kurogiri showed in front of the two, behind the bar.

When the two would argue, Kurogiri tended to stay away from the two. The day after could go two ways, glaring and ignoring each other, or talking and acting like the fight never existed. You can guess which one means they've made up.

Izuku turned to stare at the door, catching the attention of Tomura and Kurogiri. The door, soon after, swung open, Giran making his "big entrance". Three unknown people followed in after him, two males and one female.

Tomura was staring at the three with intensity, ignoring Giran, while Izuku only turned to look away, finding no interest in current events.

"Shigaraki! Deku! You guys are quite famous now, aye?" The older man grinned.

Izuku kept his attention on the bar counter, though he watched from the corner of his eye. His usual mask covered half his face, while his hood sat atop his head.

"You're too loud." He mumbled, Tomura speaking after him, "who're they?" Tomura now had the usual hand on his face, after Izuku had given the hint, that people were approaching.

The two were quite similar when it came to their face, they'd rather it not be seen, covering it, only letting it be seen by people they trust.

Izuku examined the three, his eyes taking in every feature. The female was short, blonde hair and cat-like golden eyes, a grin etched onto her face, showing her fangs. She wore a school girl uniform, her hands were formed into fists as she practically bounced with excitement.

One of the males had black spiky hair, his eyes were a turquoise color. He wore a pair of baggy jeans, with a white shirt, and a long black coat. Scar-like burns were on his face, and arms, and one partly being seen past his shirt.

The other male, stood next to the black haired one. He had halfed hair, his right side being white while the left red. His eyes too, were different colors, his right eye being a soft gray, while the left was a turquoise like the other male's. A scar rested on the left side of his face, circling around his eye. He wore a gray hoodie, and a choker around his neck, his face a neutral expression.

'Brothers...' Izuku thought as he looked at the two male's.

"Let me introduce you!" Giran turned to the female.

"This here is the one behind all the recent murders, quite the psycho."

"I'm Himiko Toga! I love Mr. Stainy! I want to kill Mr. Stainy!" Exclaimed the female in excitement, her cheeks flushed.

"As for him"- Giran pointed to the black haired male -",he hasn't done anything flashy yet, but he'd-" he was cut off as Tomura pointed at the male.

"Who're you?"

"I like to go by Dabi. I'm going to follow in Stain's footsteps." Izuku knew that answer ticked Tomura off, as he chanced a glance at shaggy haired male.

"What about him?" Izuku asked in monotone, interrupting the seething male beside him, gesturing to the half-n-half male. Giran turned to face the male in question, before making a sound of recognition.

"This here is the brother of Dabi. He hasn't done anything flashy, but has got one hell of a quirk." Izuku nodded, looking at the male for his name.

"I'm Shoto." Izuku gave one nod, before turning to look at his brother. Izuku gave a short nod, leaving the male to grunt and scratch at his neck.

"Fine." Tomura agreed.

Izuku and Tomura turned, Tomura with a scowl hidden under the hand, while Izuku was only monotone. Tomura scanned over the three, before looking to Giran, "Izuku thinks they'll be useful." Giran grinned, turning to Izuku who was looking at him already. His green eyes holding the same emotionless shadow.

"Of course. I'll be leaving now." He turned to the three, "good luck." He warned, before walking out, shutting the bar's door behind him.

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