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Izuku leaving the bar, and not returning till late at night was a usual thing. No one knew what he was doing, well of course only two people. Those being Tomura and Kurogiri, and they wouldn't say anything about it, they let him go, not bothering to stop him.

When Tomura left his room at last, Izuku stopped leaving as much, but he never left his brother's side when he was there.

Sometimes the male would return either covered in blood, and sometimes he'd returned with his hood ripped. He'd never stay when he arrived, going up to his room soon as he entered the bar. After a while Kurogiri would go up to him, and if Tomura wasn't locked up in his room, he would go up instead.

It continued for a week, until Tomura had gathered everyone together. The time had arrived when they'd put their plans into play, and it just so happen to be the end of the week, ending training camp, for Class 1A.

"You'll grab that Bakugo kid. Understood?" When Tomura had asked, it seemed pointed more towards Izuku, than anyone else. And this didn't go unnoticed by a certain male.

And so here they were, standing on a hill, the night covered in black, stars glinting here-or-there. They looked down at the forest, now covered in Dabi's blue flames. Izuku and Shoto were the only one's on the hill, asked to stay in case back up was needed. Izuku kneeled, staring intently at the burning forest, Shoto looked over the area, in case any of the U.A. students showed.

Explosions were seen in a certain area, Izuku's attention set on the particular spot. He could recognize the explosions from anywhere, the explosions were the same one's from memories, the flashbacks. He had to keep himself cool though, Tomura and his master wouldn't like it if he lashed out.

"Compress has him. Meet us at the spot." Was heard through the earpiece, Izuku standing, as Shoto turned to him, having also heard. They began to make their way down, heading to their arranged meeting area.

The two stopped, seeing the flash of flames, as they were only a few feet away from their destination. They glanced at each other before taking off in that direction, making it just outside the trees, to see the problem.

They arrived just as Mr. Compress dropped the marble containing Bakugo, and another which they didn't know who it was in it. Shoto shot a wave of ice, separating the villains and heroes. Compress released the students, Dabi grabbing Bakugo, as a student with multiple arms grabbed a male with a bird for a head.

Izuku quickly pressed up to his ear, "send gates." Soon as he said that, swirling abyss colored warp gates formed behind the villains. One formed behind Shoto and Izuku, the masked male grabbing the other's arm and pulling him in.

Their feet placed down on the floorboards of the old bar, Izuku releasing the dual-quirked male's arm. Dabi entered out of another warp, after Compress and Toga, with Bakugo still in his hands. Big Sis Magne, and Spinner entering beside them out of another.

Tomura and Kurogiri stood in front of them, Izuku moved away from Shoto, going to stand next to his brother, while Dabi and Compress worked on tying down the ash blonde hero in training.

"Now Katsuki Bakugo. Let's talk."

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 ➵ TODODEKUWhere stories live. Discover now