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A green haired boy was thrown onto the carpeted floor, his emerald eyes glossed over with tears as he looked up at the figure of the adult male in front of him. The older's body was blocking the light from the hallway as he stood in the doorway, only small bits of the bright light able to pass into the dark room.

"Stay in here. You won't be eating dinner tonight either."

The door was slammed shut, encasing the room in darkness. Nothing was heard, silence being the only thing present before a sniffle, barely audible interrupted the swallowing silence. The sniffles soon turned into muffled cries, like when one covers their mouth when wanting to keep quiet. The muffled cries continued, soon followed by slow shuffling. The glow of the moon soon entered the room, as the drapes were pulled apart, letting dim moonlight enter the dark room. The glow gave view of the boy's face, his face was stained with tear trails. A dark purple bruise was covering his left puffy eye. He backed up from the window, taking a seat in the middle of the room. The light washed over him, as he stared out the window into the dark sky, decorated with multiple bright stars.

"Why can't it all just end?"

A grunt was heard through the dimly lit room, soon followed by the creak of the floorboard. The green haired male ran a hand down his face, as he sighed. He looked towards the window the blinds and drapes open giving view of the outside, where a full moon rested in the dark sky. A sigh once again passed his lips as he ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it out, but only for it to pop back to it's messy state. He looked to the old -but still working- clock on the scratched oak nightstand.


The bed creaked under his weight as he shuffled off the bed. He groaned as he stretched his arms over his head, his back giving a satisfying pop. He grabbed the dark gray hoodie that was previously draped around the chair sat at the other end of the room. He slid the hoodie over his head before walking out of the room, the floorboard creaking under every step. He walked down the stairs taking a seat on a stool in front of the wooden bar. No one else being up as it was still very late.

"Tell me Izuku. Why're you up?"

Izuku went unfazed by the sudden voice as a mist-covered man formed on the otherside of the bar. He was turned away from Izuku, grabbing and cleaning a shot glass with a white rag. He turned facing the greenette.

"Why're you up Kurogiri?"

Kurogiri hummed as he switched to cleaning a whiskey glass. Kurogiri was made of purple mist, having to do with his quirk. He wore a black and white tuxedo, one a bartender would wear. A metal casing was wrapped around his neck, and yellow -unusual shaped- eyes rested on his purple mist covered head.

Izuku was staring down at the wood, his green eyes dull. He was lost in thought, only returning to reality when a glass was placed in front of him. He looked up, meeting eyes with Kurogiri, a eyebrow raised.


He nodded wrapping his slightly pale fingers around the glass, bringing it to his slightly chapped lips. He set the glass onto the bar, looking up at Kurogiri and nodding at him.


Kurogiri returned the nod, and placed his hands onto the counter.

"So? Mind telling me why're you up this early Izuku?"

Izuku shook his head and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"It's nothin'. Just memories."

Izuku's eyes seemed void of emotions, although he did have that sparkle, however very dim. His voice was gruff but also quite calm and soft. He stood from the stool and began for the door.

"I'll be back later, I need a walk, and I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon."

He pulled his hood over his green locks, and slipped a white face mask out of his pocket, slipping it on, covering the lower half of his face. The only thing showing were his forest green eyes as he exited the bar.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 ➵ TODODEKUWhere stories live. Discover now