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Izuku and Shoto had surprisingly gotten closer over the past months. Things weren't as tense as they used to be, and there was always a calm atmosphere around them.

Izuku found himself with his guard down, and a little less hostile whenever he was around the hybrid male. It was something no one was expecting, but they also weren't complaining.

Izuku and Shoto were currently weaving through dark alleyways, careful to stay out of the afternoon light. They stuck to the shadows, using their dark clothes to an advantage, watching as heroes and civilians walked the streets of Japan.

Recently, the League has had their own way of collecting supplies. A team of two, -sometimes three, is to go out, whether it be morning, afternoon, evening, or midnight, and collect needed supplies.

The only supplies they ever really needed was clothes and food, as the abandoned clinic had boxes of first aid, -bandage, alcohol, medic staplers, etc, etc. They assumed the people who worked there must of left it when the clinic went out of business.

The two stuck closed as they continued through the dark alleyways, Izuku leading, while Shoto followed.

Toga had originally wanted to come, which lead to Twice wanting to come along as well, but luckily Tomura had stepped up. They whined quite a lot, but after some time they quit putting up a fight, allowing the two males to get away.

Izuku was certainly relieved he wouldn't be around two of the most energetic members of the league.

The greenette looked back at the half-n-half male after they reached a alleyway behind a small store.

The store wasn't much and it rarely had any visitors, and the only person who worked there was a older man, who also happened to be the owner. Heroes were never really seen near the store, and patrolled a few blocks down.

This was the first time targeting the store, but Izuku did enough research to know they had a low chance of getting caught. But even so, they were ordered to be cautious.

If anything, they probably would've barged in, but being as the police are searching everywhere they can for them, Tomura didn't want anyone acting too reckless.

So Izuku pulled his hood far over his head, with his mask secured. Shoto copying his movements, taking a beanie and placing it over his half-n-half hair, before pulling up his hood.

Lifting a duffle bag and shouldering it, -followed by a empty book bag-, Shoto nodded at Izuku. The greenette, slipped out of the alleyway, after naming the coast clear, approaching the door, his head low.

There were a total of two cameras one inside and one outside, however only the outside one actually worked, but even so it was always running off of static with it's faulty wiring. Even so, Izuku made sure to stay in it's blind spot as he entered the small store, glancing around.

Once catching sight of the owner, -who was tiredly fixing the shelves behind the counter-, Izuku quickly slipped past, making his way to the back, where he knew the door, leading to the alleyway he had come from, was located. Luckily there wasn't any costumers, so it was easy to slip Shoto in. Though even if there was, he could've just played it off as going to the bathroom, -which was right next to the exit door.

Though the owner was old, he still made sure to take care of his store, which means watching anyone suspicious. So Izuku was to walk around, -discretely keeping the owner's attention on him, while Shoto grabbed what he could.

After a few minutes of Izuku walking about, aimlessly messing with a few objects, with the owner watching him, he carefully, and unnoticeably glanced at Shoto, who was now making his way to the back exit, looking back at Izuku. Noticing the greentte's attention was on him, Shoto gave a nod, which let Izuku know he was finished.

Izuku began to make his way towards the main doors,-muttering a fake apology for waisting time to the owner as he passed the counter-. He quickly joined Shoto in the alleyway, taking the bookbag, which was now full of simple supplies -most likely food-, while Shoto carried the duffle bag.

They began to weave through alleys yet again, Shoto now leading.

They reached a certain alley, which opened to a very busy street. A hero's agency also happened to be along that street, leading the two to be even more careful as they moved.

Izuku let out a grunt as he ran into Shoto, who had come to a sudden stop. The greenette took a few steps back, looking up at the taller in confusion and slight annoyance.

"What are you doing?" He hissed in a whisper, only to go unanswered as Shoto stared ahead. Izuku's eyebrows furrowed, looking around him and following his line of sight.

Endeavor, the previous number two hero, stood a few feet in front of the alley, however he didn't notice them, as he looked around, examining the civilians.

"What are you doing?" Izuku once again questioned, "he hasn't seen us. Let's go before he does." The boy ordered, beginning to turn into a smaller alley, which connected to the one they were currently in.

He stopped, realizing Shoto hadn't made a move to follow, continuing to stare at the hero.

Izuku stepped forward, debating in his head, before grabbing the male's left hand, startling the male out of whatever trance he was in. The greenette turned sharply, beginning to drag his partner behind him, as Shoto looked over at him, blinking.

The greenette didn't look back at him as he pulled the older along. He didn't release his hold on the male until they were only a few ways from the old neighborhood the clinic was located in.

The two were once again silent as they moved along. But Izuku wasn't going to let whatever happened back there slide.

It was his turn to pry.

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