Second Day, Part 1

Comincia dall'inizio

"Eh, apparently my home is some sort of getaway for girls from their own families," Eda smiles down at her cup, "Guess that's why it's hard for me to say no. Just don't give me a reason to make it easy, got it?"

Amity dryly swallows, "Of course, um... I'll be in the kitchen, if that's alright." Eda watches her go and laughs to herself, "So is that what it feels like to assert authority? No wonder I hate it."

Luz slides another cake for King's plate who watches it eagerly as the stack slowly rises to nearly his own height. Luz finishes it off by placing a tiny flag on the top with a drawing of King's face, "There you go, buddy. A tower fit for a ruler!"

King whips out his knife and fork and shouts, "I am a merciless god!" and digs in.

Amity came in just in time to witness the carnage and whispers over to Luz, "Isn't that a little too much for him?"

"Surprisingly no, guess he makes up for it with that energy of his. Here, I got you something special," Luz gestures her to the counter where another plate sits covered by a white cloth. She pulls it off dramatically and bows, "Your Azura pancakes, for my fellow club member!"

Amity looks in amaze at the artstyle on the cake, "Whoa, did you learn some new spell to do this?"

"No spells," Luz proudly stuck her chest out, "Just hard work and a lot of digestible food dyes. I'll show you how later, I still have yet to make Eda's." Amity takes the plate and goes to sit down with King who is already down to half of his sugary tower. Unlike his animalistic table manner, Amity gently takes her knife and fork and silently apologizes to Azura as she cuts a small piece of her.

The first bite hits her with a blast of sweetness. She almost lets out a sound before she quickly goes for another bite.

"We're so lucky Luz knows how to make great pancakes. They're like a bajillion times better than Eda's."

"Uh, excuse me," Eda walks in and leans against the doorway, "I didn't hear you complaining the last time I made them."

"That's because I was too busy chasing after it!" exclaimed King, "And I did! When you weren't around to listen!"

"A little exercise before eating never hurt anyone," Luz offers a finished plate to Eda then hops over to Amity's side.

"So I was thinking for our first day, we could get with Willow and Gus and enjoy the fair together. Then maybe we can show off our skills and learn some new tricks," Luz says with a playful punch to Amity's shoulder, "Then when it gets dark, we can make some hot chocolate and binge a bunch of Azura movies."

"Sounds like fun," Eda commented.

"I know right!"

"So where are you gonna fit the 'get burned alive' into the schedule?"

"Get what now?"

Eda whistled and held out her hand to catch her staff flying towards her. She gives it a spin then draws a large magic circle and finishes it with a snap of her finger. A large barrier forms from the top of the house and spreads down covering the entire place just as the first wave of boiling rain came down.

The Owl Lady triumphantly pumps her fist, "Nailed it! Oh, uh, the fair's canceled and it's gonna rain all day. Sorry, kids."

"No! Ohhh, why does nature hate meeee..." Luz drops her head onto the table and lets out a sob. Amity reaches over and comforts her, "Hey, it's no big deal. We still got a week ahead of us."

Eda nods, "That's right, there's plenty of fun things to do here."

Luz bolted up with stars in her eyes as an idea came to her, "You mean like games!?"

Our Week Off Together!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora