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    King Ben and Lady Mal, soon to be queen, will be married a week from now. But before that, they had an engagement party. It was just 2 months when they broke the barrier down. Which makes a whole lot of guests for their celebration. Of course, Evie would design a whole lot of fabulous dresses and gowns. They will have a big catering. Uma and her pirates made their ship, The Lost Revenge, a better one! Everything was completely fine. Everyone was invited. But, due to Mal's mother, Maleficent, they needed a bunch of guards to let her in the party. They needed to. You know what happens when she isn't invited. So much for their expectations, did they know what's going to happen next? All of that dancing and celebrating cut them off guard. Let's see what happens to their next chapter of happily ever afters. Will they achieve it? Come along and we will find out!

A/N: Well that's my teaser. Hey guys! I hope you like my idea! I will continue to update if any of you like it. Besides, if no one will, I will just read it myself! LOL! I love you guys! Always put GOD first and he will lead the way to your dreams.


DESCENDANTS 4 (A Descendants fanfiction by LittleMissEina)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora