Chapter 1

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"Sam! Come on Sam! Please.." I yell running after her.

8 months earlier

I've never been what you considered normal in a religious point of view. I've always been bashed on for liking girls. My parents never really accepted me, they hardly even talk to me now. Luckily I'm 18 and in my last year of highschool.

I wake up to my alarm clock screaming letting me know its 7 in the morning. I reach over trying to find the stupid thing to turn it off. After trying for about 3 minutes straight I finally get up to the bathroom that's connected to my room to take a shower.

After my shower I get dressed in a flannel and leggings. I walk over to my mirrior and put my contacts in. I look at myself, my auburn hair falling past my shoulders a little, and wet. My freckles barley showing, pale blue eyes. I scrunch my hair and put my make up on. Not much just a little to cover my tiredness.

I walk downstairs and hear a car horn. I drive but I usually carpool with my friend Sam. I walk over to the window telling her I'll be there in a second. I grab my keys so I can get my bag out of my car and then get in her car.

"Hey love." Sam smiles at me saying. She's absolutely gorgeous. She's not your typical person. She has dirty blonde hair, one eye is blue and the other is a hazel. Shes shorter then me but who isn't really. I'm 5 foot 7 she's only 5 foot 3. "Hey Husky." I say smiling. Her nickname because her eyes

"Ready for hell?" She says smiling at me as we get out of the car. She locks her arm with mine as we walk into school. "Eh not really. Same shit as last year with the drama. Seriously I don't get why people won't drop what happened with me and Ally."

I look down at her as we reach our lockers. "Hey Carmen, Its not your fault. She was scared to come out and accidentally said shit in front of her parents on the phone with you boo. Her loss." I smiled at her and we walked to our first class.

"Carmy! Hey littlebit I've missed you." I walked into Tim. Every girl wanted him. He was tall, muscular, brown shaggyish hair, smile that lights up anything. Every girls dream guy. But not mine. I tried to date him to cover up me being gay. But it was extremely weird for both of us to be together as a couple. He said it was cause we grew up together.

Our families were extremely close and we used to be inseparable till 8th grade. He ex girlfriend hated how close we were so we drifted for a while till they broke up last year. My reason for us not working was he's like my brother.

"So any girl have your eye yet?" He asks putting his arm on the back of my chair since we are lab partners and sit next to each other. "Ehh nah. I don't want the trouble yet." I smiled at him.

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