Chapter Forty

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The second plot point and the leap into Act three.

Remember in Act one we spoke about the theme, and that this piece of truth is spoken to the main character in some or other way? ... the fortune cookie example? Yeah, you remember now.

Here is when the main character is completely beaten but a new piece of information, combined with that piece of truth from act one which now makes sense, our character find new strength to try again.

Maybe the man character find out that the ex girlfriend lied to her. Maybe she remembers that she can't live in a bubble all her life, she needs to take risks and this is a risk of a lifetime, trying to get back together. It's that scene in the movie when the guy is about to run to the church to stop the wedding. Or to the airport to stop the girl form getting on the plane.

The most important part of this chapter is to introduce one piece of new information that makes our character decide that it's not over.

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