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So, I'm going to write this book using the exact structure that would be used for an actual novel. I'm using this prologue part of the book to let you know what we will and won't be covering.

P.S. I am not proof reading this book as I write, so if you find spelling/grammar errors please point them out. I'll come back to edit once I'm done. As a writer, I am a professional procrastinator and an insane perfectionist. If I stop to edit too much, I'll never finish. 

I struggle with comma usage so if you see a lot of comma problems, don't say I didn't warn you. Lastly, I just want to shout out to every wattpad user I've interacted with. I've never had people be as kind and supportive on any other online platform as I have had here.

In this book we will be covering:

The key points that you have to have in every story

Exactly what these key points mean

Exactly where in your story these key points needs to take place

How to work out the placement of these key points according to word count. There's a fair bit of Math involved, but I promise it's worth it. 

We won't be covering:

Spelling and grammar - getting better at this comes from reading good books and paying attention. 

Voice - basically, voice is you. It's your writing personality. Like, if you read a Stephen King book and you didn't know it was his book, and you go "that sounds like a Stephen King book" - that's Stephen King's voice you're talking about. This book is not to explore your voice, only you can do that. It's to organize your writing so it flows the way good stories are supposed to flow

Author Intrusion - I often read books where it feels like I'm just reading the author's rants or view points, and the words just happened to be in quotations marks as if someone else is speaking. As soon as a reader feels this way, you as the author have intruded on their reading experience and they are pulled out of the story completely. This can be very frustrating for a reader. While we won't be dealing with author intrusion, we will be talking about Theme and this is a safe place for the author to state their case, make their point, share their views, without intruding.

Sentence structure - I once read that to a reader, a novel must have the same effect as a song has on it's listener. The varying notes, the introduction and removal of beats and instruments creating an experience that takes us into a different zone completely. I mean, nobody sits down like nothing happened when any one of Beyonce's songs comes up on their playlist. So, you want to have long sentences, short sentences, questions and perhaps unfinished sentences in your writing. You want the reader to dance to your beats - in other words, to turn that page!

Next chapter!

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