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Cyra was back home, playing with Zaho. He was running in front of her, just out of reach chittering in a teasing way. It was their favorite game. She chased him up the mountain and to the clearing they usually ran around in.

"Come here, Zaho! I'm gonna catch you!" She giggled. Zaho jumped around, dashing always just out of reach. He started running up the stairs at the other end of the clearing.

"Wait Zaho! We aren't supposed to go up there!" Cyra shouted after him. She followed him up the long set of stairs, still trying to catch him. Her legs were tiny, and it felt like the stairs were stretching longer.

"Zaho!" She screamed, and suddenly Zaho and the stairs were gone and Cyra was standing at the top, in front of a large cave. She walked cautiously forward.

"Zaho?" She whispered into the cave.

"Zaho, where are you?" Cyra sniffled, tears staining her cheeks.

Suddenly the floor beneath her started to rumble, Cyra heard a whirring sound and terror froze her in place. A large dark shadow started racing toward her, she fell backwards and-

Cyra jumped awake, breathing heavily. Panicked, she looked around the room she was in, it was unfamiliar to her. Cyra tried to remember how she got there, but could not.
She looked down at her hands, they were still shaking from her dream.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and stretched, noting the soreness of her back and head. Cyra's nightmare faded away in her head, the details becoming blurred. It was an old memory, she knew, but it was the only time she'd ever been truly afraid of anything. That kind of thing came back to haunt her even now.

The door opened, drawing Cyra away from her thoughts. In walked Azula with a tray of tea.

"Oh, you're awake. I just thought that I... what, why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned, sitting on Cyra's bed.

"You brought me tea." Cyra said softly, smiling at Azula like she was the most wonderful person in existence.

"Well yes, seeing as I knocked you unconscious, it is the least I could do." Azula said nonchalantly, waving it off. However Cyra did not miss the light blush that crept onto Azula's face.

"Thank you, I appreciate it... um, the tea not the whole, 'unconscious' thing. What happened again? I can't seem to recall," Cyra picked up the tea, sipping it. It was jasmine, her favorite. Her smile grew impossibly.

"You went looking for me against my orders and we ran into each other, quite literally. You flew into a tree, and were out cold. It has been two days." Azula said. She had an odd look on her face. Cyra reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Hey, I am okay... wow two days, where are we?" Cyra said, trying to reassure Azula and change the subject.

"We are back at the palace, preparing for a new mission. Cyra you disobeyed direct orders from your princess when you chased after me, there must be retribution." Azula said, standing from the bed. Cyra's jaw dropped, clearly offended.

"Retribution? Azula I was worried about you, and the only one to go look for you. You can't seriously be mad at me for that?" As Cyra spoke Azula moved the tea tray off the bed and placed it on a chair in the room.

Cyra moved to get out of the bed and defend herself, but Azula put her hands on Cyra's shoulders pushing her back to sit on the edge, wedging herself between Cyra's legs. Cyra looked up at Azula, confusion and hurt etched on her face.

"So what will it be then, Azula? Are you going to lock me up? Banish me from the palace for caring about your wellbeing? Or maybe you'll challenge me to a-"

The Warrior's Betrayal (Azula gxg fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now