Dean Ambrose & May (Clean Scene) (Requested by Amroseismineeee)

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Dean's POV:

May and I were hanging out backstage waiting for my match at WWE WrestleMania against my brother Roman Reigns for the WWE World HeavyWeight Championship. May has been my best friend for 15 years. We first met each other when her family moved into the house next door to mine, we bonded over the love for wrestling and quickly became friends, she was the only one that ever believed in my dream of becoming a wrestler, so thats why I invited her to the biggest night of my career.

May and I were talking about relationships, when I decided to tell her how I really feel about her.

"May, Can I tell you something?" I asked

"Sure, what's up?" She answered

"I know this might ruin our friendship but I have to say it. I love you, I always have from the moment I met you, I loved you. I want to grow old with you and have kids with you, I want you to share my life with me. So I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me after my match tonight?" I said

"Sure, Dean I'd love too. I feel the exactly the same about you Dean, I love you too" She said

We were just about to kiss when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" I shouted then Roman walked into the room

"Hey man, our match is up next" He said and then walked out.

"Ok, baby I better go, see you after my match" I said kiss her on her cheek

"Good Luck" she said kissing my cheek back



I lost my match but I couldnt of lost to a better wrestler. Me and Roman had a great match and the crowd loved it. He deserved to win the match, he's an amazing champion and I hope I get another match against him soon. I'm glad he had the WWE World Heavyweight Championship I'm so sick of John Cena or Randy Orton having the championship its nice to have someone different have it.

Even though I lost my match, I still had an amazing date with my best friend and now my girlfriend.I was currently walking her up to her apartment door when she turned to me.

"Thank you so much for an awesome evening and for inviting me to the show tonight, I really sorry you lost your match though." She said

"Your welcome, dont worry about it hopefully I'll get another soon. Thanks for always believeing in me and saying yes to being my girlfriend." I said

"Night Dean" She said

"Night darling" I said kissing her on the lips, but then it started to turn into a make-out session

"Want to come in?" She asked opening the door and walking in

"Sure" I said walking into her apartment and closing the door behind me.


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