Chris Motionless and Paige King *Clean

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Paige Knight is Ricky Olson's best friend since childhood, they were inseparable.
Paige's parents died recently in a car accident and she became homeless as the landlord kicks her out for not paying bills. Ricky finds out and invites her to live with him and his friends and band members Chris and Ryan. She has always had the biggest crush on Chris since Ricky first debut in Motionless In White. Unfortunately for Paige, Chris is in a long term relationship which breaks her heart, but she doesnt know that Chris is massively in love with her as well.

One day Motionless In White decide to have a games night at Ricky's house, when Chrid comes into the house he immediately looks for Paige but doesnt see her so he asks Ricky were she was.
"Hey ricky, where is Paige?"
"Oh, hey chris, to be honest I dont know I think she might be in her room."
Chris starts making his way upstairs to her room to see her sitting on her bed drawing.

He sits down on the bed with paige and they talk for hours about music, drawing and life itself.
When they finally stop talking Paige realises its 1Am
"Shit, I didn't know it was so late. We better go to sleep now Chris"
"Of course, sorry for keeping you up so late Paige"
"That's ok Chris I've really enjoyed talking to you"
Chris got up from the bed and goes to his room and goes to bed

Chris has been trying to sleep for 2 hours now but hes getting nowhere. He cant stop thinking about Paige. So he quietly go up out of bed and walks to Paige's room and lays down beside her.

Paige feels the bed dip so she opens her eyes to see chris laying with her.
"Hey creep,what you doin" she said as a joke
"Hey beautiful, I was just watching you sleepin" he replies
"You've just made yourself sound even more of a creep then you were before" she laughed
He stares at her enjoying the sound of her laughter like it was the best thing in the world.
"Did you know I love you more then anything in this world paige?" He asked
"W-what are you talking about?"
"I love you paige and I always have. I didn't want to date you because I didn't want to ruin my friend with you but I dont care anymore. It's to difficult to pretend now. I love you so much" Chris said sincerely.
"But what about your girlfriend?" Paige asked confused
"I broke up with her earlier today. She only wanted me for my money anyway. I just stayed with her because I thought she was a distraction from you but she wasn't. It made me realise how much I need and want you to be my girl" he replied

Paige then kisses him on the lips and says "I love you too. I always have. You've been the light in my life when there was only darkness and I'm so grateful for that. I love you millions"

He kisses her again for longer this time and they finally cuddle up together and fall to sleep.

*I know I haven't updated in years and this one shot isn't brilliant but I struggle so much with writing as I'm dyslexic. I really hope you enjoy this one shot and I will try to update at least once a month. Hopefully more then that but I dont want to make fake promises*

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