Chapter Six

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"Sadieria, can you hear me, child?"

It was the voice of a woman, her question spoken like liquid silver, soothing, and serene. She called out for her child, her daughter. Sadieria, my heart leaped at the name that sounded like a much prettier extension of my own. Even in this odd state of swirling blackness, I felt foolish for getting my hopes up, that she was calling out to me. Still, I swung my head from side to side, finding nothing but the same void as the last time I had this dream. This time, there was no fire, no heat, and no malice. If I squinted hard enough I swore that I was seeing little shimmers of light that could only be described as stars.

"Sadieria, please, do you hear my call?"

Her voice, coated in eagerness and despair gripped my heart. Inside me was an uncontrollable desire to help her find her daughter, her pain was unbearable to me.

"Who are you?" I inquired "I can help you find her."

The voice gasped, causing the flickers of light to quiver in the dark space around me. Then I felt it, a pair of feminine hands resting on my shoulders and wrapping me into a loving embrace. The hug was something I didn't know I needed and to my surprise, impacted me greatly. I still was blinded to whoever held me, as if the night itself had her arms wrapped around me. Yet, I cried. I didn't notice the tears until the first salty drop landed on my lower lip. Then, and only then did the sobs take over. My shoulders shook as I tried to cling onto nothingness. To my amazement, the stars formed a hand that stroked my back as I wailed, comforting me in ways that I have never been comforted. I felt the word before I thought it. I knew what kind of compassion this was and I almost lost my breath at the realization. Mother, this was my mother. Not the woman who my dad eventually dated and later married, my real deal birth mother. As if she could hear my feelings, she spoke her final words before I was blasted out of the realm;

"I have been waiting for this moment, my daughter."


Misha's chiseled face was the first thing that greeted me when my eyes flew open and I became one with the world once again. My right eye refused to focus on him, creating blurred edges and a sense of discomfort. I clamped them both shut and then began to blink frantically. I couldn't see, was the blindness I experienced in the dream real? Tears spilled past my fluttering lashes as I tried out some aggressive blinking, hoping that my vision would return and that maybe something was just in my eye. It would be like turning it on and off again, right?

"Sadie, I'm right here, it's me, Misha." I felt his sizable hand caress my head, moving from my forehead to the base of my neck.

His touch alleviated my distress, I opened my eyes once more only to be met with the same dilemma. Unthinkingly, I clawed at him, my fingers finding his shirt and latching onto it like a sanctum.

"I can't see out of this eye," I said, pulling him towards me, using the heat of his body as a cover "It won't come back!"

The rise and fall of my chest picked up its pace, I could hear my heart thunder in my ears. My whole body tingled with a warmth that turned into a small inferno inside my chest. One of his bulky arms snaked under my waist and cradled my trembling form to his chest.

"Shhhhhh" he sighed into my hair "I've got you, you're going to be okay, we're going to figure it out."

I nodded my head in his chest, confirming that I have heard his words but I wasn't too sure if I believed them. His fingers danced through my locks once more, taming my nerves with each touch of his calloused fingertips.

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