Chapter Nine

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The battlements of the castle stood high, proud, and daunting. The alluring walls sealed our future and it was our jobs to march in there and dictate where it would go. The gates opened effortlessly, not a single creak heard from the polished bars. Misha's posture transformed, spine tall, shoulder's squared as he took the lead into the courtyard. Within the gates, peculiar bushes full of alien flowers blinked around us, creating an extensive maze that bordered the circular stone yard.

"What are those?" June asked, admiring the glittering landscape.

"Celestial Camellia" replied Zeke, proud of the place he served "They never grow here, but they survive here in the castle walls. They charge in the moonlight and shimmer and glitter in the day. Makes this look pale in comparison."

"Just like little stars" Tay's eyes slowly rolled over each inch of land before him, taking everything in for his memory.

"Where did they come from?" June rested her dainty hand over her heart, enamored by the plant.

The query remained unanswered. The clacking of heels on cobble interrupted the chatter, sending a wave of nausea to my stomach. I hated acknowledging how petrified I was. I could only ignore the fear accumulating for so long. It all rushed to the forefront of my mind. The attack, the home invasion, seeing my potential mother, and my eye. Everything was too much. I froze, not comprehending that I was trembling until I took an unsteady step backward. My life has been uprooted and smashed into shambles within a matter of days. Now that I was at the castle, preparing to retell my small story to the council, I wanted to scream, cry, and collapse all at once. I sent a silent prayer to whoever was listening, please let me be obliterated exactly where I stood, my nerves couldn't take this anticipation. A woman clad in a long black shaw towered over us. She dwarfed Misha and looked to no one, her eyes covered by an onyx satin blindfold. Her hair spilled down her spine and flowed like water behind her, fanning out where she stood. Its blood-red color made my stomach sicker, reminding me of who and why we were even here. Trying to prevent a complete meltdown, I attempted to recreate Misha's stance, remembering his words of reassurance. I felt like a cheap version of the power he radiated, but if I was going to ruin this for us, I needed to at least know I tried my best.

"Officer Thirty-Seven, Officer Nineteen, are you prepared to enter with your party?" Her voice boomed off the surrounding walls.

"Yes, madam Lieyra" They bowed as Misha spoke "We have also briefed our guests on all the rules."

"Excellent, you may enter."

I stepped forward, full-heartedly believing that we were going to just walk through the doors and into the castle room like any other establishment. I was terribly wrong. The world around us blurred, the vibrant colors of the garden twisted rapidly around us until they merged into a pastel fog. I stumbled forward, then backward, almost losing my footing amidst the turning. My head was racked with dizziness, spirling just as much as the land around us. Misha's arm cocooned me to his side, pinning me to him and keeping me stable. This helped the nausea that was sneaking up. He and Zeke stood strong and tall, unwavering by the spell that we were under. I squirmed against his firm arm, twisting around until I could peer over his bicep. I wanted to check on my family. As I finally got them in my sights, I felt a hand grab hold of the back of my billowing shirt. Garrett was reaching out, grasping onto me. He and June were planted in a similar position as my own, Tay gripping them steady with the focus of a bull. He was not as sturdy as our officers, but he was doing a damn good job at holding his own. The world continued to twist and spin faster, like wild and colorful shooting stars. Amazement and motion sickness danced together in my gut. I clung tighter to Misha, afraid I was going to either explode or puke at any moment. Just as the magic picked up momentum, everything came to a sudden halt. I didn't know my hair had come undone until I shockingly felt it tuck itself back into a perfect up-do. I patted my head in disbelief, ungluing myself from Misha to check on the squad. Garrett was immediately in my personal bubble, eyes sparkling in fascination as he checked my hair.

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