Chapter Three

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 Garrett's speechlessness lasted only a moment. He flung several questions at me - looking to Misha expecting some sort of immediate answer. Misha assured him that we would explain everything once we were in the safety of the building. My boiling nerves were simmering down into a low hum. I still dreaded how Garrett may receive the information but I was satisfied that he and Taylen were with us - unharmed. Misha's wall was thoroughly rebuilt - his face was set into a hard and unreadable expression. I couldn't tell if he regretted showing any kind of vulnerability or if this was how he behaved when matters grew pressing. 'It didn't matter I told myself on repeat ' what this man thought about me doesn't matter.' Once everything was solved and Aaron was out of our lives - the knights would leave with him. My heart dropped at the thought, I quickly made myself shake it off. Our footsteps echoed throughout the sterile building as we followed Misha and Zeke through the winding tiled halls. Zeke would look back - checking on us now and then, making small conversation about rooms we passed in the precinct. He was the backbone of our little group for the time being - holding it together as everyone nearly threatened to fall apart. We came to a stop in front of a large, white door. Misha moved his large frame to hold it open for us. As a group, we flooded into a spacious, yet cozy room. The area was drastically different from the rest of the building. Moving away from the traditional whites - it contained softer, more vibrant colors. Greenery lined the walls by the windows and two desks - each littered with its own personality, flanked the two walls. A black chaise couch sat invitingly against the baby-blue walls. Footstools and small coffee tables decorated the perimeter of the sofa. A TV was mounted on the wall directly across from it. June was the first one to go and sit down, making herself at home in the cushions. She gestured for me to sit next to her, I looked to Misha for permission, not wanting to intrude on his personal space.

"You may all follow June's lead and have a seat; we will have someone joining us momentarily to take a look at her." Misha did not address me directly - something about that scraped against my nerves.

I didn't ask him to comfort me in the car, I didn't even ask to be his friend. I did what he told me to and he took the initiative for everything that followed. I didn't deserve the cold shoulder.

Garrett and I flanked June's side, both of us feeling out of place for two entirely different reasons. Garrett's reason was a startling confusion and mine was sheer embarrassment. We gathered closer to her, bundled like frightened animals. I felt out of place - as if I was here without permission. It was a childish feeling, but to be fair I never had a positive reason to go into a knight's station. Garrett held his nerves better than I did, his posture straight and his face relaxing. I watched as his chest expanded with long, deliberate breaths. Subconsciously, I followed his rhythm - grounding myself with him.

" I appreciate your time here," Misha moved to the center of the group, capturing all of my attention. " Garrett, it's nice to meet you once more today - allow me to explain why we are here?"

Garrett looked at me and then back to Misha who was waiting for an answer, arms folded over his chest. He nodded his head, allowing Misha to take the reins of the conversation. Misha's eyes met mine and I could have sworn that I saw them soften just a bit before becoming stone once more.

"There's no way I can start this without raising an alarm - I urge you to hear me out." Misha disregarded sugarcoating his debriefing - yet still keeping his couth. "We suspect that the man that you were friendly with - Mr. Aaron, could be involved with an ongoing investigation pertaining to radical sympathizers."

Garrett's eyes nearly shot out of his head, as if this was the last thing in the world he suspected to find out. He opened his mouth to blurt a question but hastily shut it. I watched his face shift from Misha to the dark grey carpet beneath our feet. He focused on the ground as if something in the tapestry would help him form an argument.

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