Chapter 17

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Harry groaned and shot his sister a panicked glare. He just knew the dinner would consist of Maura sending him ‘you seduced my son’-glares and Niall saying nothing. It wasn’t what Harry wanted at all. Yet he took Gemma’s hand when she reached it out for him and they went down the stairs together.

The first thing that caught Harry’s eye was the beautiful bouquet with cala lilies that was placed on the woodened table in the hallway. White ones, Harry’s favourite. They were probably just for Anne, though. His heart fell in his chest as his foot reached the last step. The carpet floor seemed soft under his feet, probably the only good thing he was about to meet through evening.

He stroked his bloated belly one last time, as for getting support from the baby, right when Maura entered the hallway from the living room. He froze in his movement, swallowing a couple of times before moving his gaze down. He felt Gemma squeeze his hand and gently guide him past the older woman and into the living room.

Maura mumbled something behind them about “only getting my purse”, but Harry wasn’t completely sure.

“You okay, Haz?” Gemma whispered and smiled that kind, understandable smile again while pushing some of her lilac hair away from her face. She knew him too well.

He just nodded and swallowed. “Yeah. I just… I think she hates me for being pregnant with Niall’s baby. She looked at my belly with disgust, I swear.”

Gemma didn’t have time to answer, because Anne entered the living room. With Niall just behind her.

The Irish boy’s gaze went right to Harry’s bump. A very light shade of cherry pink developed in both of his cheeks and he had to turn his eyes some other place to calm it down. His jacket suited him, was Harry’s first thought. It was light grey and made the blue in Niall’s eye stronger in some way. He also wore some tight, white pants and converse.

His stomach wasn’t that big, though.. Or was it? It definitely was catching people’s first sight when they saw him… But he was just seven, soon eight weeks. It had to be just him thinking about the size.

“Harry! Gemma! Great! Just take a seat, my darlings”, Anne smiled and patted her son’s back carefully. “The food is just ready.” Harry couldn’t exactly say he was excited.

Niall hurried towards Harry’s side, a hesitant smile around his lips. “Uh... Hi, Harry. Mind if I sit with you?”

The curly haired boy just nodded slightly. He didn’t want to talk in fear that his voice would fail him if he tried.

Everyone took a seat at the comfortable chair by the dining table, Harry sitting on the side with Niall on his right and Gemma on his left. Anne and Maura sat on the other side, Anne sticking serving spoons into the potatoes and peas. She had made a beef sort of thing with vegetables and her famous brown sauce. Harry usually loved the dish, that’s why Anne had made it, but tonight he just felt sick. Part because of the nausea, part of the dinner guests.

“So, Harry, when is your next scan?” Maura spoke dryly, not even bothering looking up at Harry while she talked. She just took food and placed it neatly on her plate. Harry gulped and looked at Gemma. He hadn’t really paid attention to that when he was there last time.

“In his eight week. Last time was special just because of the decision”, Gemma spoke, her hand sliding down to Harry’s knee for comfort under the table.

Anne squealed and rubbed her hands together. “I’m so excited! I’m gonna be a grandmother!”

Maura snorted and glared annoyed at the dark haired woman. “Well, I didn’t think I would be a grandma at my age, just saying. Greg is grown up, it’s just normal for him having Theo, but Niall is not.”

The rude speech made everyone eat in silence for a bit. Harry just ate small pieces so he didn’t trig the nausea that lied deep down in his stomach. He hadn’t looked at Niall that much, either. He felt scared. He wanted to work it out with the blonde for the baby’s sake, but it was hard.

“Why don’t you eat properly?” Maura then interrupted, this time her sharp eyes dug into Harry. “Mum! Quit it!” Niall snared quietly from his side at the table, frowning. He didn’t want his mum to be rude to Harry. The pregnant boy didn’t deserve it.

“Look at him! He has to eat properly since the baby needs energy, yet here he is barely eating more than a bird!”

Anne was silent in her chair, clearly uncomfortable. She wanted so badly to work things out. She wanted Harrys baby to have father, and she wanted her friend to start working with them instead of against them.

Harry just stared down into his plate. He knew it. He just knew Maura would nag at him like that. He was the one carrying the fucking baby! Did she just think she could boss him around as she wanted? Hell no.

Harry got up so the legs on his leather chair whined loudly. “I’m sorry”, he said with a flat voice, then turning around without hesitation and walked upstairs.

He barely got time enough to close the white painted bedroom door behind him before he had to rush into the bathroom and kneel in front of the toilet. He was done. He was fucking done with all of the bullshit that had been loaded on him on the short time he had been there.

He suddenly heard someone enter his bedroom and coming into the bedroom, the person’s footsteps soft.

“Gems?” Harry croaked, the disgusting taste of puke stuck in his mouth. He felt a few droplets of sweat run down his spine. He bet he looked as white as a sheet.

“No. It’s me.” Harry’s glossy eyes widened by the sound of the Irish voice. Niall was the last person he’d expect coming up here after him.

He then felt a cool towel being pressed to his forehead. He gladly welcomed the cold to his feverish skin.

“Are you okay?” Niall whispered his voice sore for some reason.

“Yeah.” Harry nodded and rolled over so he sat against the wall with his eyes closed.

“I’m so sorry! It’s so unfair by my mum nagging at you like that. I don’t know what’s the matter with her.”

Harry didn’t realize he was crying until Niall’s thumb wiped something wet away from right under his eye. He suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around his torn body. God, how he had missed that feeling.

“I’m sorry Niall”, Harry croaked, suddenly a whole flow of tears appearing in his eyes. “I-I wouldn’t have been sleeping with you If I knew!”

He felt a light squeeze before he was scooped up into Niall’s arms. He carried Harry with him to the curly haired lad’s wide bed where he placed him down before crawling on it after him.

“Don’t be sorry, Harry. I couldn’t be happier.”

Neither of them spoke any more, it wasn’t a need to. They just lied there in silence until Harry started to drift away to sleep.

“Not being here is the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life”, was the last words Harry heard before the sleep took him.

So here you go, guys :D Finally a new chappie!!

Tbh, I haven’t felt like writing on a long time… Just to let you know, I’m struggling with some personal problems irl and I would really appreciate it if you could understand that ;) I’m doing my best to write as well as.

Sometimes the chapter can be published a bit after the day I’ve promised to publish it on, but I swear, I’m trying my best.

Also, TYSM for 8.9K :D That’s fucking insane!! Also, TYSM for commenting so lovely and voting Xxx

Can we get the comments to 200? :D

* Iben *

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