Chapter 13

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Harry hurried through the corridor after the last class. If he were lucky, Logan wouldn’t get to him before he got to the bus. He had his messenger bag banging against his hip while he ran, causing the nausea to jump now and then. All he wanted was to get home before it got any worse.

“Hey! Why the rush?” A too familiar voice shouted behind him. Harry turned his head half around to see Logan and his pathetic girlfriend rush after him. He sped up, his flat converse shoes clacking against the floor. He just had to reach the door first.

Suddenly Logan pushed past him and blocked the way, a big smirk covering his face. Harry dug his heels in and stopped. He’d almost crashed into the tall figure in front of him.

Logan wore his usual black jeans, almost too skinny to look nice. He was muscular and he knew it too well. A white, loose t-shirt covered his upper body, causing everyone to see his abs and his six-pack. It had to be his girlfriend’s influence.

“Do you really think I would let go of you this fast?” he whispered, taking a hard hold of Harry’s chin and forced the curly haired boy to meet his ice-cold gaze. Behind him, Harry could hear Stephanie’s annoying giggles.

“Logan, I’ll miss my bus”, Harry muttered, trying to swallow past a big lump that grew in his throat. And I don’t feel too well, he added in his thoughts.

Several other students passed the three teenagers in the middle of the hallway, but no one seemed to care. They were used to the sight of Logan beating Harry up.

Harry shut his eyes and thought of the baby. He couldn’t let Logan hit him there, not today. He didn’t want the baby gone yet. He still hadn’t made up his mind about it.

“Logan, let go”, Harry whispered, finally managing to move his eyes away. Logan slowly let go of Harry. What was this..? Did Logan really let him..

Of course not. Seconds later Harry’s tired body lied sprawled across the hard floor, his head millimetres from hitting it. All the breath was gone from his lungs, and he gasped desperately for it to come back.

“You little freak”, Logan muttered and lifted a hand, only to be stopped by another one. “Don’t touch him”, the voice warned. Harry recognized it surprisingly, even though the new boy had his desk miles away from Harry and had a different schedule since it was his first day. Harry recognized it from the bus.

“Why? It’s not your bloody business!” Logan snared, clearly annoyed. He hadn’t experienced that someone had interrupted his plans before.

Zayn laughed and twisted Logan’s arm away roughly. “Actually, it is. Harry’s my friend, and I don’t want any of my friends to get hurt.”

Stephanie had long ago gone still, her pink glossed mouth hanging half open in shock. She was too dumb to actually defend her own boyfriend. She had dropped her Louis Vuitton purse on the ground by her feet, expensive pens and notebooks sticking up from it.

Logan snorted but stepped a few steps back. “You’re not smart, newbie. You’ve chosen the wrong friend.”

Zayn reached down and helped Harry up; his warm hand placing itself on the curly haired boy’s shoulder. “Well, Logan, I choose my own friends around here. Unfortunately, you’re not one of them”.

Logan’s eyes practically glowed of anger as he turned to his petrified girlfriend. “C’mon, Steph, we’re done here.” With that, he stomped away with Stephanie in his heels as if she was a dog.

Harry let out a shuddery breath he didn’t even know he was holding. He felt sick, not only the nausea, but because he had stopped Zayn’s chances for getting friends at this school. The olive skinned boy had just dug his own grave.

“Hey, you okay?” Zayn asked worriedly, eyeing Harry with his beautiful eyes. “Don’t listen to that douchebag. He don’t know how wrong he is.”

All Harry could do was nod; nod and force on a smile. “Yeah, of course.” He then saw through the large window that the yellow school bus just left the parking lot. Logan’s little plan had caused him to miss his ride home. Now he probably had to walk all the way home and maybe puke in some random bush.

“Did you miss the bus?” Zayn asked softly behind him. He still had his hand on Harry, who blinked a couple of times before he answered. “Yeah… But, uh… I’ll walk home, I’m f-“ Zayn held up a hand and shook his head.

“Oh no, mister, don’t bullshit me. I’ll give you a ride home, okay?”




Harry didn’t know how it happened, but suddenly he got something similar to a real friend. Zayn sat with him on the red stinky seats in the bus every day on their way to school, laughing and chatting as if Harry was a completely normal person.

He always shot Logan death glares whenever he would walk by, and Logan had stopped messing with the curly haired boy as long as Zayn stayed by his side. He could still get a few punches and bruises whenever he met Logan on his own, but that was way better than it ever had been before.

However, it didn’t matter that Harry’s days ay school got easier, because Niall still hadn’t answered. He hadn’t called back. He hadn’t even texted him! That was totally unfair. Anne had talked to Maura once, but she didn’t want Harry to know what they were talking about. That annoyed Harry to the highest point.

Soon he had to face Dr. Martins again, in a matter of two days, and he still didn’t know what to do with the baby.




So there you go, my little cupcakes c: Hope you enjoy the chapter lol.

WE NOW HAVE 3K READS ON THIS STORY!! Holy freaking Tomlinson, it’s crazy! And of course you managed to push over 100 comments <3 I just love you guys!

What do you all think about Zayn joining Harry in the story? *smirk* I have tons of other plans and shocking things coming, so stay tuned everyone!

Can you believe Louis is turning 23 in five days? .__. I don’t want my baby to grow any more. He have to stay this old forever.

Don’t forget to hit the vote-button and I’d love to read your lovely comments <3

And, for the last babble of mine, I have to ask yu something... Could you guys go and read mine and @ziamsnuggets zayn malik fanfiction? It's called "Once in a lifetime" and we're really happy with it, but we need more readers :/ thank you!

Baby Styles (Narry mpreg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora