Chapter 11

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Harry skipped the school for a week. He knew he had to face it sooner or later, but that didn’t make him less nervous about it. And, his mum was clear on that area, he had to tell Niall about the… pregnancy. He didn’t look forward to that part. “Hey, Niall, remember we had sex in the cabin this summer? Well I was unaware I had female parts in my body, so I’m pregnant!” Everyone could hear how stupid that sounded. He couldn’t say something like that!

Then there was this decision. Should he keep the baby? Should he give it up for adoption? Or… Should he take an abortion? He didn’t know what to say or do.

Gemma was there, holding his hair away from his face when he threw up and brought him food when he felt ill. She understood how difficult the situation was for him. Anne had become much closer to him as well, since she actually had been pregnant before and helped him with the things he found difficult.

“Mom?” Harry asked, leaning casually on the kitchen counter while his mum stood with her hands deep down in a baking bowl. Anne looked up and smiled. “Yeah, love?” He bit his lip before asking; feeling a bit embarrassed about it. “Uh… When does the baby start to… like… move?” Harry jumped when Anne bursted into laughter, her dimples playing in her cheeks.

“What’s so funny?” Harry asked, insecure about what he had said that apparently Anne found worth laughing about. His mom then smiled, a ridiculously kind smile, before she continued with the baking. “When did you wonder about such stuff? I thought telling Niall was the problem here.” Harry shrugged and shook his head. “You’re right, it was a silly question”, he murmured.

This time it was Anne’s turn to shake her head. “No, Harry, it wasn’t silly, I just didn’t expect you to ask that kind of question.” She quickly grabbed some plastic and wrapped it around the bowl, putting the dough to whatever she was making to sit. “The baby will probably start to move around your 20th week. It can also start moving from week 16, but that’s more normal for second pregnancies”, Anne said, putting her slim hands on her hips. “It can also be as late as in week twenty-five, but that’s unusual.”

Harry nodded and smiled slightly. The red in his cheek was pretty visible. “Thanks mom”, he said, scratching his neck. “Uh.. I’ll probably go to bed soon. I think I’mma try to call Niall first.” Anne’s face turned into a worried expression when she heard what her son had just said. “Are you sure you’re ready?” When her son nodded, she sighed and stroked his cheek with her right hand. “Okay. I promise I’ll talk to Maura when you’re done, yeah?”


Harry held his phone in his shaking hands, peering down at the screen where Niall’s number was dialled. Would he dare to try? Would he press the call button? He swallowed a couple of times. He didn’t even know what he was gonna say. How did you tell a guy you barely knew that he knocked you up? He didn’t get more time, though, since he pressed the call button quickly.

Hello, it’s Niall” The bright voice answered in the other end, causing Harry to almost press the red button. He was going to ruin that happiness soon.

“Hi… uh, it’s Harry”, he answered. The other side became quiet for a short moment until the Irish lad finally spoke again.

Harry? Hey! I’ve missed you! How are you?” Shit. Shit. Shit. Why did Harry even think this was a good idea?

He twisted the hem of his shirt nervously. “I’m fine… thanks… you?”

Harry couldn’t believe Niall said he’d missed him. No one ever missed Harry, except for his family.  

I’m quite good, yeah. What’s up? Something wrong?” Niall said, trying too hard to hide the worry in his voice.

“Yeah... But… uh, I kinda wanted to tell you something...”

Yeah? What is it, Harry?”

Well, he couldn’t lose anything more, so here goes nothing.

“I’m pregnant.” The words sounded so crazy, and he felt the tears sting behind his eyes. How could anyone possibly believe that? Not a single normal person in this entire world would believe him if her bursted out with it like that.

What did you say?” It wasn’t a surprise to Harry that Niall sounded beyond shocked. He sounded like someone had told him the sky would fall down any minute.

Harry, what did you say?” Niall repeated after Harry being in silence for quite a while.

I’m pregnant”, Harry croaked, his eyes filling slowly up with tears. “Uh… My… mum didn’t tell… me… that I have… female parts in my body, so when… we... slept together… in the cabin… without protection...-“

You got pregnant”, Niall finished, not quite sounding like he believed it yet, but at least he helped Harry to finish his stuttering.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know!” Harry whimpered the tears floating over and travelled down his heated cheeks. “If I had known, I had made us use protection, and.. and… I’m sorry I had to be the freak you slept with who could get pregnant, and… and…”

Harry, shut up”, Niall suddenly interrupted Harry’s ‘I’m sorry’-speech. Harry swallowed, but the lump in his throat only grew bigger. He’d messed up. Again.

Harry… Are you sure?”

The question made Harry furrow his brows. Niall… Didn’t laugh. He didn’t spit out something sarcastic and hung up the phone. No, he simply asked if Harry was sure.

“Yes. I was at the doctor with Gem. He made me take a urine sample and… he found out that I’m pregnant”, Harry answered, surprised that his voice didn’t crack or sound weak.

Niall sighed in the other end, and Harry could imagine the other boy rubbing his eyes and heaving a hand through his blonde hair.

How many weeks are you along?”

“Five weeks now.”

And… What did the doctor say?”

“He said I got until week seven to decide what do to.”

Okay. Sorry, Harry, but I need some time to think about this... I’m sorry”, Niall whispered, and Harry was about to open his mouth to say something when the connection broke.

Niall had hung up the phone.

AN: So yeah, this is a new bonus part, you can say, to celebrate that Baby Styles now have 1.9K readers!! Keep up the good work ;)

There may be a trailer coming up to this *wink wink*!!

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