Chapter 6

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Niall and Harry didn’t separate for the rest of the summer. Harry’s mind struggled to understand why Niall was still there, why he didn’t find all the red marks disgusting, why he didn’t tell their moms about Harry self-harming himself.

When their parents took the night, Harry found himself in Niall’s bed with strong arms wrapped around his body. He fell asleep easier that way, and it didn’t seem like Niall cared about it being weird or something. Harry could finally relax for the first time in forever since Logan started his play. The usual nightmares that used to hunt him at night kept their distance as long as he was close to the Irish boy.

Almost every night at home, Harry used to wake up, his body covered in sweat and his heart galloping in his chest. His cheeks was covered in dried tears. Harry then would just get up, throw some clothes on and storm outside. The fresh air in their neighborhood always made him feel better, so he’d spent many hours just walking in the empty streets or sitting on their front steps with his eyes half closed.

Usually Gemma found him after a while. They had this sort of connection. Gemma could feel when Harry was down, and she knew he’d probably go outside in the middle of the night, so she was often awake and waited for him to arrive. Harry could feel when his sister was sad too, but it was usually him taking the sad train.

The summer was over too fast. Harry had walked around with a lump in his throat the last days, clinging to Niall as much as he could. Anne was happy with herself. “I knew you to would become friends!” she had said with the triumph pretty clear in her voice. “This means we can do this again next summer!” Maura was pretty happy too, but something in her features made Harry worry a bit. Did she know they’d slept together? Did she worry about Harry breaking Niall’s heart or something? Well, she didn’t have to worry much longer since she was taking him back to Ireland, miles away from Harry.

Harry was silent the whole ride home. Gemma tried a couple of times to get him into a conversation, but he just gave her a look and she gave up. Anne was in a bloody good mood, and that annoyed the crap out of Harry. She made being happy look so simple when it clearly wasn’t.

When they arrived home, Harry thought their house felt kind of empty. He missed Niall’s presence. He missed his random laugh and his warm hugs. Harry didn’t quite understand what his heart wanted. He didn’t like Niall… did he? He was too sad, tired and too grumpy to actually think clearly.

Anne started to cook dinner and Harry found his way up to his room. The room felt cold and unfamiliar, the air in there freezing. Goosebumps appeared immediately on his arm. Harry dropped his duffel bag on the floor. The short sound of it was the only thing that could be heard, except for Harry’s breath. His body felt heavy, as if someone had added a hundred kilos on his thin shoulders.

Harry sank down on his bed and buried his face in his pillow. He felt safe in his room, the only place he got some peace from the social world outside. He could safely listen to music he liked and read magazines with male models without anyone judging him. Now, though, he felt alone. It was like Niall had taken Harry’s happiness with him back to Ireland and left Harry as an empty shell.

A knock on his bedroom door made Harry lift his face from the pillow and mumble a short “c’mon in”. Gemma peeked her head through a small crack in Harry’s door and paused, not entirely sure if her brother wanted company.

“Hey, Haz”, she said and smiled that smile that suited her perfectly, the smile that was Harry’s favorite. “Hi, Gem”, Harry said, then he sighed. Anne had probably sent his older sister up to see if he was alright since she knew Harry trusted her more. It annoyed him that his mum was like that, but at the same time, he was grateful for Gemma. It would have been much worse to talk with his mum. She would never understand this.

“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Gemma asked softly, stepping inside and closing the door behind her with a firm push. She came to Harry’s bed and sank down, one of her thin legs dangled outside of the bedside, while the other one was tucked under her. “I can see you’re down.” Of course she saw. She probably knew what it was already; she just wanted Harry to confirm it.

“Uh…”, Harry started, but broke off. Usually it felt like his mind had a hidden dictionary and he could speak the craziest words, but now it was gone. He didn’t know what to say. Gemma placed one of her slim hands on her little brothers left knee and smiled softly.

“Harry, you know you can tell me anything. And as usual, I’m of course not gonna tell mum”. Slowly he met Gemma’s beautiful eyes and something inside him relaxed immediately. This was his sister. It was worth trying to tell her.

“It’s Niall”, he croaked, suddenly aware his voice didn’t sound like his own at all.  “I think I’m in love with him, and now he’s in Ireland. I don’t know, it’s weird.. I don’t know if I like him as more than just a friend or not, all I know is that I miss him.”

Harry wasn’t aware that a few tears had escaped his eyes before Gemma gently wiped them away with her thumb. “Harry, don’t cry”, she said before wrapping her arms around her little brother. “It kills me to see you cry.” She pulled him tighter into the hug and both of the Styles siblings sighed at the same time.

They sat like that for a while, Gemma carefully rocking her brother back and forth like he was a child. Right at the moment Harry couldn’t care less. The gesture made him feel safe, warm and eased his troubled mind for just some seconds.

“I know something you don’t”, Gemma murmured after some more silence. She pulled a little bit away from Harry and bit her lip. Harry could see the tiny hole after the piercing she had taken in her bottom lip a week or so before the summer. Anne had ben furious, yelling that she didn’t want Gemma to turn into a totally Goth. Harry had just smiled, though. It was a typical thing for Gemma to do. She liked to test new things out, even if they were dangerous and completely weird.

“And what’s that?” Harry asked while he slowly picked at his thumbnail.

Gemma smiled and tucked a curl behind her ear before she answered, “The looks he gave you made it pretty clear you’re not the only one feeling you may be in love.”

AN: I can't believe it!! I have over 700 readers! Oh my Styles you guys are amazing ^^

This chapter I've dedicated to 1Dlover121, bc she's written one of the most amazing fanfics ever! Go check her out, will ya? x

I'm going to London on thursday, therefor I update a bit early and hopefully you guys will like it <3

> What do you think will happen in the next part? I'll give you a tiny hint; it has something to to with a tiny jerk named Logan c'x


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