Chapter 15

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“Harry”, Niall croaked as soon as he spotted the younger boy on the bench. His eyes was wide of terror and his hand fled up to his mouth. “I’m so sorry! Are you…” then he spotted the gel on Harry’s lower abdomen and frowned. Dr. Martins lifted an eyebrow, the wand wiggling impatiently in his hand. “Excuse me sir, but you’re not allowed to be in here.”

Anne then raised a hand and a shy smile spread on her lips. “He is, Dr. Martins, he’s the baby’s father.” Niall looked unsure of what to do, but then someone came up back him. Of course. Why couldn’t they just invite the whole clinic in, then, if there continued to come people? What did it matter what Harry wanted?

Maura pushed her son carefully forward before closing the sterile door behind her. “I’m sorry we’re late, the plane was a bit late.” She, as Anne, smiled widely and sat down besides Gemma on one of the chairs that lined the wall.

Harry just didn’t know where to look. He absolutely didn’t want to look at Niall, the one that had betrayed him in the worst way possible, so he just stared blankly forward out in the air. He just got angrier when Niall of course took the seat that was closest to the bench.

“So, you’re Niall, I assume?” Dr. Martins greeted. He looked a bit calmer now that he knew that Niall had a bit part in this situation as well. The blonde boy nodded and forced a smile, though his blue eyes was still glued to Harry. “Yeah”, was all he answered.

“Well, Niall, before you came I was just about to check how the baby’s doing. Your timing was perfect!” Not, Harry added in his mind. Why did Niall have to come now?

Then he understood.

Of course. How did he not see that before? How could he be that stupid?

It was Anne. His mom had convinced Maura to bring Niall with her to the next doctor appointment. That’s why she didn’t want to tell Harry what she and Maura had talked about in that phone call. Why on earth did she think that was a good idea? Why did she think Harry wanted Niall there after he hung up when he told him about the baby?

Harry was brought roughly back to reality by the wand touching his bump. He froze, then his body seemed to relax a bit. Slowly, as if he was afraid of the sight that would meet him, Harry turned his gaze to the screen in front of him and… gasped.

There it was. The small, almost unnoticeable little dot on the screen. The little thing that looked special inside the mess of black and white.

His baby. Their baby. Half of Harry, half of Niall. It looked so small, so fragile, like it suddenly could pop into nothing.

“Oh my god”, Anne breathed, and when Harry turned his head half around, he saw both of their mums with watery eyes.

Jesus. This was just a pregnancy scan, not a funeral.

Harry quickly wiped away a single tear that was about to escape from his eye. It was rather beautiful, though, he had to agree to that statement.

“Can you tell the gender?” Gemma asked with excitement. A smile tugged at her lips and made Harry feel calmer.

The doctor frowned and eyed the picture closer before turning around. “I’m not 100% sure, but I could tell you what I assume...?”

“No”, Harry forced out and shook his head. “Don’t tell. I don’t wanna know it.” He felt Niall nudge at his side, and he quickly shot the older boy an annoyed glare. “What?”

Niall swallowed and scratched his neck. “But… I wanna know…”

“No! I’m the one carrying it, and I don’t want to know yet.”

While the two boys were arguing, the doctor printed out a paper and put it inside a white sealed envelope. “Okay boys, look. I see that you don’t agree completely with revealing the gender. I’ve put the answer in this envelope, so if you wanna know, just open it, okay?” Dr. Martins explained with a short smile before he handed the pregnant boy the envelope.

“Okay”, both of the boys nodded.

Then Dr. Martins got a serious expression over his face and he folded his arms. “Harry. Have you made up your mind about the baby?”

Here it was. The big moment. He had to choose. Would he give the baby its life or take it away?

Harry sat upright and wiped away the gel with a paper that the doctor handed him. He swallowed a couple of times before taking his shirt on again and facing the older man in front of him.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said… And….” he began, closing his eyes. “I wanna keep it.”

There was a moment of silence before Dr. Martins surprisingly begun clapping his hands. “Excellent! This is amazing! I’m so happy for you, Mr. Styles, congratulations!”

Yeah. Congratulations. Now there was about seven months with nausea, Logan’s bullying and his idiotic life to deal with.

He just had to get through it. Then he and the baby could get a flat, he could get a job and start a new life. It would be worth the waiting, he told himself.




“Harry! Wait up!” He closed his eyes and cursed silently when he heard the voice behind him call his name. This was not a good timing.

“What do you want, Niall?” Harry turned around where he stood on the parking lot, waiting for his mom to return from the loo so they could drive home.

The blue-eyed boy had stopped a few meters away from Harry, panting from all the running he had done to get to him.

“I wanna talk.” Three simple words. Yet, they made Harry’s anger start boiling even more. Who did he think he was?

Harry snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “And what makes you think I wanna talk to you, huh?”

“I’m so sorry, Harry! I don’t know what I was thinking! I got shocked, I guess… It’s not every day you get a message like that”, Niall rambled, his voice cracking here and there. “I got so scared. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to hurt you, but really needed time to think.”

“You had to let me walk around two weeks thinking that you hated me?” Harry said to gritted teeth. He felt the tears burn behind his eyes. Fuck this.

Niall stepped closer and hesitantly placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Harry, how on earth could I ever hate you? I wanna be with you and the baby.”

So Merry Christmas, everybody!! What did everyone get? :D

Me myself got an iPhone 5s *smirk* with 32 GB *smirk* so now I can listen to even more music!!

Finally an update haha :P And OMG thanks for 4K and 300 votes!! Can we get it to 135 comments? :D

The next update may be a bit late since I’m off to a family vacation and I don’t wanna spend that on my computer if you know what I mean :3

Whale, bye then!


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