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Important AN at the end, please read that when you're done with the chapter!! :)

Niall woke up from his stiff sleeping position on the recliner in Harry's hospital room. The boy was still recovering from the surgery. His wound had gotten infected, something that of course could happen. Therefor he had to stay there longer. Niall hadn't left his side once. He knew Harry was glad he got to stay, though. Now he got to be closer to the twins.

The blonde looked over at the hospital bed and expected to find his boyfriend sound asleep like usually. Instead he found the covers flung aside and the chilly air brushing the empty mattress. "Oh, Harry", he sighed as he got up. He popped his back before he started the search for the curly haired lad.

He stood a few seconds in the hallway, puzzled. Then he smiled as he realized where he obviously would find Harry. He started jogging soundlessly down the hallway. His feet made soft thumping noises as he moved.

He stopped outside a room he had been to every day for his stay at the hospital. He had promised that, to both himself and Harry. And of course, to the two small persons inside the room, their twins.

Niall pushed the door open and peeked inside. His eyes had to adjust to the both dim and sharp lightning. The sharpness came from all the baby incubators that were lined against the wall. He found his boyfriend in the very corner where little Leah and even littler Jace lied.

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" Niall asked softly as he approached. Harry looked behind him and smiled softly before returning his gaze to the small baby lying in front of him surrounded my wires and tubes. Jace. He was still dangerously small, but he breathed. He lived. That was what mattered.

"Yeah. I... woke up and you were asleep... I felt they needed some company", Harry whispered and stuck his hand through one of the two holes in the incubator. He carefully caressed Jace's incredibly small forehead, cheek and chin.

Niall looked over at the incubator beside Jace's and smiled when he saw his daughter lie there with her eyes wide open. "Hi, little one", he breathed and stuck his hand in to her so she could wrap her doll like fingers around his pinkie.

They hadn't really fought long about a name for her. Harry had insisted on giving her Maura as a middle name. He had also suggested Leanne as her first name. Niall loved it. In that way she was named after both of her grandma's. The two ladies deserved that after all the two families had been through. They agreed to call her Leah for short, though.

Leah's piercing eyes looked up at Niall. They were so blue it reminded Niall of the ocean surrounding Hawaii. "How are you doing sweetie?" the blonde cooed at her and smiled when she yawned slightly. Her little mouth barely opened followed by a tiny whining sound. "She's so beautiful", Niall croaked and realized tears were rolling down his cheeks. He had been so close to loosing them. He felt so grateful each time Leah's chest heaved and sank, every time her lungs filled with new, fresh air.

"She has your eyes", Harry commented with a smile. He let go of Jace's tiny hand and turned to Niall. "I... I don't know what I would have done at the birth without you, Ni. Everything, no matter how fucking hard it felt, was a tad easier with you there by my side. You made the effect less damaging."

Niall let go of his daughter and turned to his boyfriend too. "Harry, you're the real hero here. You fought so bravely, even when I wasn't", Niall gulped, a lump suddenly blocking his throat, "...when I wasn't... there... in the beginning..."

"You know what? It doesn't matter. All the time you were gone? It's nothing. The fact that you're here now is worth more than anything", Harry whispered as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Niall's waist.

"Yes it does matter, but I promise, I won't leave you guys like that again. Never." Niall lied his cheek down on Harry's shoulder and looked at the twins. "You gave me three reason to stay. I won't leave you."




Harry lied in his hospital bed reading a book, "Throne of glass" by Sarah J. Maas when Dr. Martins entered his room with a wide smile on his face. The curly haired boy lifted his brow as a question and he broke into a wide smile when he saw the doctor nod. Harry's eyes watered of joy and he quickly got out of the bed.

"Thank you so, so much, doctor!" Harry whispered. He couldn't believe it. They were finally, after three weeks at the hospital, able to go home. He would bring his children home. He was going to actually spend time with his children instead of holding them for short seconds or watching them lying inside incubators.

"Go change to your normal clothes and meet me by the resection so we can sign some papers, yeah?" Dr. Martins said and Harry answered with an eager nod.

He grabbed his bag with his fresh clothes from home and went into the bathroom to change. Wearing his own clothes again felt like lifting something heavy off his shoulder, like he was washing off incredibly thick dirt from himself.

He sent a message to Anne, who was currently at her house with Gemma, that they were finally going home. The reply showed that his mum was over the moon and she was going to peek into Harry's flat to make sure everything was okay when they arrived home.

Then Harry went back out wearing a loose hoodie and not too tight jeans. He still had a bit tummy fat from the pregnancy, it had completely ruined his tattoo, but he didn't care. He could remove it or make it prettier some time in the future, but right then it didn't matter.

He found his boyfriend in a chair in his room, apparently wondering where Harry had been. He smiled widely when he saw Harry's clothes. "Is it true? Are we finally going home?" Harry walked to Niall and sat down on his lap. Their lips connected easily as if they were magnets. After a while the blonde pulled unwillingly back and beamed up at Harry.

"Let's go get our kids. We're going home."

They walked hand in hand down to the room where their babies were located with light hearts. Finally things were like they was supposed to be.


So..... I'm so sad!! This is the end of Baby Styles!

I want to thank those who have followed me from the crappy start of this book until now, and also those who have joined during the book :)

I promise you guys, this is not the end. You will get one shots occasionally; so don't remove this from your libraries ;)

If anyone wants to write any one shots you're very welcome to, just DM me x

Thank you so much for an amazing adventure and I'll see you guys soon!

The sequel will be up as soon as I feel it's right, so stay tuned!

I love you guys so much xxx

Hugs!!! <3

Baby Styles (Narry mpreg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon