Chapter 9

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"Oh god, it's huge.." I said as we went outside the house and I saw the yard which was indeed pretty spacious and green.

Paul put the cigarette between his lips again and threw a smirk at me "That's what she said.." then he took his lighter out of his pocket and lit it

"Geez, Paul" I shook my head "Is that all you have in here," I said, patting his head playfully

We sat on a stone bench to our left right next to a tree that cast a very pleasant shadow. I sat with my legs crossed and he sat across from me with his legs on either side of the bench, lazily leaning against the stone wall behind him.

He turned his head towards the house with eyes looking around, probably thinking about something and I used the moment to study him.
His eyes. Big doe eyes that had the ability to see the good in everything. Adorable round cheeks and charming little sideburns..oh and a black wristwatch on his right hand,
shirt sleeves hanging loosely, puffy lips I knew the taste of. A taste of..

I have been caught staring at them.

He was looking at me, not saying anything. I saw a smirk forming on his face right before he took a slow drag of his cigarette, not breaking eye contact with me.

"Shoot," he said as he exhaled the smoke

"Well..I have nothing else to ask.. except...Why me?" I asked and unconsciously looked down

"It's not the first time you're askin'," he said calmly "..but it'll be the last"


"You're not smitten by me which is a first" he looked at me and we both laughed "..but're treating me like a normal human being and not some kind of a mystical god and it's awesome really..what else" he looked at me, smiled and continued "Your heart..your heart is good..You're responsible, serious.." he sighed
"So damn beautiful inside out...I don't know what else to say.. We just clicked and judging by yer reactions and everything I think we share the same opinion" he extended his arms towards me "C'mere and stop waiting for me to invite you every time"

I smiled and moved closer to him, half laying on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me

"Oh, missed mentioning..great boobs and arse"

"Alright, alright, sorry..." he giggled "I'm not lying, not lying.." he put one strand of my hair aside so he can see my face better, "I think you put some walls 'round you.. not like fake're just cautious 'round me and I understand it.. but you don't have to be, you'll see with time"

I'll see with time? Is he planning ahead? Was he planning to actually prove his words with actions?

"And my dear girl Martha likes you, which is the most important thing..but..I think I like you more" he said slowly "Another thing I like is.."

"Stop talking," I said cupping his cheek with my hand and leaning forward giving him a peck on the lips which he returned in a more passionate way

"Well, that's a start," he said as he looked down at me smirking, now kissing the tip of my nose repeatedly which I found absolutely adorable "I hope I've answered all your questions now"

"Yeah, the first sentence was sufficient but I needed an ego booster, so here we are" I cocked my eyebrow and laughed

"Stop talking bollocks, otherwise I'll make you.." he said, playfully narrowing his eyes at me

"That McCharmley spell isn't working on me, mister," I said as I moved away from him, planning to stand up

"Yes, yes, I see it not working at all while you're kissing me," he said sarcastically and we stood up, then he came closer to me, his forehead touching my head right above my ear when he whispered "And cut using mister when you talk to me because its a huge turn-on and it might get you into trouble someday, y'know"

I don't know if it'll get me into trouble someday but it was definitely getting me into one now.

"Hate to say it but we must go back to sweet ol' Liddypool because me girl is probably starving," he said as he looked at his wristwatch "Matt'll be here soon"

"How does he know when to come when you never call him?" I said with curiosity

"If I don't call him the same night he knows he must come late afternoon next day"


Matt came twenty minutes later or so. Four hours passed as a combination of Paul smoking, reading the newspaper, and interlocking his fingers with mine, laying on my lap, singing, dancing, chatting with Matt while chaffing me about everything.

His energy was everything, even when he was knackered he still had much of it. Matt seemed like a nice man too. He lived in Liverpool too, his wife was Venezuelan and they had a fourteen-year-old beautiful blonde daughter.

"Hey, Matt, what does your daughter think about her father being the driver of a Beatle?" I said cheerfully and Paul scrunched his nose, making a pouty face and laughing

"Don't act like you don't like being called like tha'" I nudged his shoulder

But of course, I was just teasing him. He wasn't Paul The Beatle for me, he was just an overly talented big-hearted charming Liverpudlian lad.
But of course, I admired how hard the group worked and everything they've achieved and continue to do so.

"Oh.." Matt laughed lightheartedly "..she's not that interested but she likes the other bloke, least the posters in her room say so"

"Blah, what a drag" Paul said, pretending and we laughed

We got out of the car and like every typical dog, Martha started jumping around as she sensed her owner coming home. Paul unlocked the door and we entered the yard and started playing with her immediately. She seemed to pay more attention to me somehow and I knelt on the ground, giving her big hugs.

I stood up while Paul was stretching out his hands in the air, yawning
"Won't lie to you, I'm proper tired.." then he came closer to me and took my hands in his and smiled a bit "Y'know what.. stay with me tonight.."


"No dirty thoughts, Maureen" he rolled his eyes jokingly "Now that I know you, you'll try to think of a reason not to do it, so I'm just gonna sit there and wait.. "

"Okay, I'll stay.."

I smiled and my sentence took him by surprise but then he smirked and came closer to me

"Correct answer.." then he leaned ever closer, aiming for my lips when I interrupted him, putting my finger on his lips

"Don't even think about it" I said silently and he laughed.

"Impossible woman, you are" he replied, squeezing my cheeks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we entered the house.

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