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Hi there, and thank you for taking the time to read this book! This is my interpretation of (in my opinion) the works of two of the most influential writing teachers of all time. 

The picture above is a visual of everything in this book. If you are a visual person you could make cards like this to keep track of what you've done. The numbers in each block are the page numbers and each block represents a chapter. Each chapter is about 4 pages long, or 1000 words. I left some of my notes on here, just ignore the notes in red

When I first started writing, I made every mistake a writer could possibly make, starting with loving myself so much for actually writing a book, I forgot that I am not my character. I continue to make many mistakes as I write and I fail every day, but these days, I fail forward. This means I recognize my mistakes and I try to do better next time without hating myself.

Although the words in this book are mine, they have all been inspired and informed by the Blake Snyder's Beatsheet and all the freely available information available on the internet on this subject. Another goldmine of lessons that I have drawn so much from is which is owned by Larry Brooks. Please check them out and I promise, if you're serious about writing, you'll be a different person once you've lived in their world for a while. 

Click ahead to get started!

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