Chapter 2: The Slytherin Mudblood

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I started making my way through King's Cross Station with my mother and Barnaby, Barnaby trying his best to keep up with us as he pushed a trolly with all my belongings. After we made our way through the brick wall to platform 9 ¾, I walked confidently towards the Slytherin end of the train, recognising many of my classmates along the platform, I offer a friendly smile as I flick back my dark wavy hair. Slowly approaching my carriage with my mother, I see him, the boy with the platinum blonde hair. Draco Malfoy. Every time, I see him for the first time after summer break, I can't help but think of the first moment he spoke to me, as this was the day I started my life as Witch on a lie.

It was my first year at Hogwarts, I was in way over my head, I did not know the significance of the house you are in, the significance of "the boy who lived" and significance of being muggle born. As I heard the words Murphy, Margot being called out and the sorting hat loudly declaring Slytherin!

I confidently walked over to the Slytherin table ignoring the glares from the houses, although I had heard things about Slytherin from my mother who did her intense research, I never let that stigma get to me, no matter where I was placed I was going to accept it proudly. I sat in between two girls, Cherry Chambers and Annabel Morrison who are now my best friends, however directly across from me was Malfoy.

As a 11 year old girl I couldn't help but be in awe of his striking features and bright hair, he was intriguing and almost beautiful, he looked at me with a cold expression almost smirking at the fact I was staring, but when he heard the name Granger, Hermione get called.

His face turned into disgust, so did everyone around him, and then I hear those words that will always stay with me "filthy mud blood" Malfoy growls under his breath. The two bigger boys sitting next to Malfoy begin snickering. Cherry bites back right away and whispers "you are not allowed to use that word". Draco coldly turns towards her saying "does it look like I care" he says with disgust. Annabel then says sternly, there is nothing wrong with being a muggle born, and you could get in trouble for saying that word" it was then I realised being muggle born in this world was a bad thing.

Draco was getting aggravated being talked back to, Crab then tried to calm him down by saying "look at least that mud blood was not sorted into Slytherin". Draco then shouted, "don't be daft Crab, a mud blood could never be sorted into Slytherin, anyways they wouldn't make it out alive he snickered". I started feeling sick and my heart almost stopped when he turned to me, "don't you agree... murphy? was it?"

Without thinking I quickly blurted out "wwe-well now that I think about it, my whole family has been in Slytherin for generations and they have never mentioned seeing a muggle born before" I said trying to sound smug. Annabelle and Cherry, both of which who are pure bloods that actually come from a line of Slytherins both looked at each other and agree, as Cherry says "well now that I think about it I don't think I have ever heard of a muggle born in Slytherin either".

I spent the last three years effortlessly keeping up the lie of being a pureblood, however doing this brought up feelings that I hated feeling and tried hard to push down. I felt guilt for lying about who I really was, especially to my two closest friends, I felt scared for being found out as the Slytherin mud blood, and the feeling that scared me the most was I felt ashamed of who I was and where I came from.

But I was not going to let that get to me from that moment I did everything I could to be something great, from making sure I was known by everyone to mastering every charm, potion and spell. This was exhausting, but I was not going to let that little blonde boy and that word define me.

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