Chapter 22:Sebastian visits the Oracle to seek counsel

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Sebastian Laganti was cruising on his motorcycle on a busy Saturday night. He was planning to go visit the Vampire Oracle known as Morrigan La' Shay. Sebastian was dressed in all black and he wore a biker vest. On the back of his vest was an image of a pitbull head with batwings. The phrase Puer Noctis written in Latin was imprinted on the vest which translates to Child of the Night. He enjoyed the night air as the wind had his locks flowing while riding his motorcycle. Sebastian was to meet with the oracle at a hotel in Griffin, Georgia. He was to meet her at the Laquinta Inn and Suites hotel. Sebastian knew he had to be on his Ps and Qs when dealing with the oracle. Sebastian drives into the hotel's parking lot and scans the area for a spot. He finds a spot and parks his prized jet-black motorcycle. Sebastian's bike was a custom-built chopper. The bike had red velvet seats with a jet black paint job. On the gas tank was the Latin Phrase Dulce Periculum was written in Old English. It translates to Danger is Sweet. A group of men watches as he leaves his bike.

"Hey bruh, that's a badass bike you got. I bet you turn many heads with that beauty." One of the men mentioned.

Sebastian ignores the man and proceeds to enter the hotel lobby. The lobby was busy and workers were busy. He approaches the receptionist's desk. A dark skin woman was working at the desk. She looks at Sebastian and was enthralled by his presence.

"Um... Excuse me, are you here to make reservations?" She asked while nervously smiling.

"Like what you see in front of you I see. I'm here to visit someone important." Sebastian replied in a confident tone.

The woman was feeling Sebastian and he knew if he wanted to, he can have his way with her.

"There's something mysterious about you? I have never seen you around this city before. Where are you from? Mind if I ask?"

Sebastian grin with confidence at the woman. "I'm from many places, my dear. Where ever the wind goes I intend to follow the flow. I can tell a woman like you have an open mind. I like my women to have open minds." Sebastian replied while staring at the woman.

The woman giggles and smiles at Sebastian. "Thank you for your compliment sir. Now, who is the person you are here to visit? I can call their room for you if you want."

"Naw that will be unnecessary, baby. The person is staying in one of the suites. Just tell me where the suites are located." Sebastian asserted.

"Sure thing sir, the suites are located in section E." the receptionist answered.

"I appreciate your cooperation, Alice" Sebastian mentions while looking at her name badge.

"What's your name? You can at least tell a sister your name." Alice replied.

"In all my years of traveling, I met a few sisters with the name Alice. Your parents must see something special in you to name you Alice. My name is Sebastian Laganti and yes this is my real name." Sebastian answered.

Alice giggled at him. "I like your name, it's mysterious just like you. Well, Sebastian Laganti it was the pleasure of meeting you. If there's anything I can help you with please let me know."

Sebastian grinned at Alice. Using his vampire senses he could hear her heartbeat and sense that Alice was turned on by his presence. He knew he had to control his hunger for human blood. If he was to act out in the open it would alert the oracle and she would be forced to deal with him.

"After I conduct my business, how about we go get us a drink or hang out somewhere. I'm new to Griffin and I'm sure you know this city better than me. What say you Alice do you accept my offer?" Sebastian replied with his hand out.

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