Chapter 20: Rest Day and Chillaxin

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It was Saturday morning around 6 am, Tyrone had gotten out of bed. He found a spot to be alone and said a prayer to TMH. He had given thanks to his creator for another day above ground. After that, Tyrone decided to brush his teeth and prepare for his day. He made his way to the main room in the Lion dorm. He decided to read his bible to himself and all of a sudden a speed blur pass him by. It was the young speedster known as Isaiah Harper.

"Shalom and Good Morning Ahk Tyrone. I see you up early this morning." Isaiah mentioned.

"Shalom Ahk Isaiah, What are you plan on doing for the Shabbat?" Tyrone asked him.

The young speedster sped around the room and Tyrone tried to keep up with him. "I usually read a few chapters of the Book of Proverbs and study the Book of Psalms. You want to have a bible study with me?" Isaiah asked. 

Tyrone sat down in one of the chairs in the dorm's main room. He begins to turn his bible to the Book of Proverbs. "Sure Ahk let's study the Book of Proverbs. Maybe we'll learn something new today."

"All Praises to TMH! Let's have a bible study session." Isaiah Harper replied.

Both of them had turned to Proverbs Chapter 1 and begin reading.


Wolf Dorm 7:00 am 

Fred was fully prepared for his day and excited to spend his first Shabbat at Goshen Academy. Fred and all three of his roommates were awake. They decided to hang around in their dorm room for a few minutes. Gaius Van Swiftfang was alerted and had his eyes on his surroundings. Due to his wolf senses, Gaius could have heard music being played from a distance.

"Hey, Fred, can you hear that music?" Gaius asked. 

Fred had closed his eyes and concentrated on the sound of the music. "Yes, I can hear the music too Gaius. It sounds like a string instrument being played. I say let's go check it out."

Eiran Asher was puzzled at Fred. "Just how can you hear the music? Our room door is closed and it's early in the morning. Most of the students in this dorm are still asleep."

Fred stood with confidence at the Ice warrior. "I'm blessed with heightening senses too just like my Romulite buddy over there." He answered while glancing at Gaius Van Swiftfang.

"Care to explain to us, Fred?" Eiran asked.

"Maybe some other time I'll explain. It's the Shabbat let's focus on TMH and Christ, for now, Ahk Eiran." Fred replied.

Eiran nodded with agreement and the four of them went to investigate the sound of the music. They left their room and walked around the dorm. They came across Prince Samuel in the main meeting hall in the dorm. He was playing his harp and the sound was on a superior level. Gaius and Sahajay was enthralled by the sound of the music.

"Wow, the kid has talent. The sound of the music is calming and I feel at peace." Gaius Van Swiftfang mentioned.

"I didn't think children was allowed to train here. I guess some Alpha Humans are children too." Sahajay the Icarin added. 

Fred's spirit was in tune to the sound of the music. The young Israelite boy's harp playing skills was something to behold. Fred observed Prince Samuel while he played his harp. Prince Samuel's hands were in sync with the strings on the instrument. He finished and notices Fred and his friends. The young musician greeted them with peace.

"Shabbat Shalom Ahk Fred, I'm glad you enjoyed my music. Every Shabbat morning I rise early to say a prayer to TMH and play my harp for a few hours. I give my praises through my music." Prince Samuel admitted.

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