Chapter 7: Getting Acquainted and The Conclave Plans

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It was about 9:30 in the morning and Ahash was in a room full of huge computers. At the huge desk sat a Black man dressed in a white t-shirt and some grey sweatpants. He had on glasses and was typing fast. Ahash's right-hand man was there standing by his side. "Aha, it's great to see you for the first time today Mr. Ebonymoon." The man at the desk said while pulling up the files of the students.

"Morning Weasel, you know you should get some sleep brother. A little sleep isn't gone to harm your studies." Ahash admitted while looking at the huge computer screens.

"Nope, I must keep records of our students and I must say this bunch is an interesting class. Oh, Good Morning Mr. Eldad, I didn't notice you at all. You truly live up to rep as the Cobra of the Tribe of Dan." Weasel replied.

Eldad had remained silent and observed Weasel at his desk. Weasel had pulled up the files of Tyrone's group. "So these four are from the ATL, Ahash I must say these students will be keeping you busy. Tyrone Peterson is a slacker but is a great athlete according to his school records. Fred is your top student and you changed that boy's life." Weasel acknowledged.

Ahash had a grin with confidence. "Trust me, Weasel, it wasn't easy at first. Fred was awkward and had low self-esteem, but I had decided to take him under my wing. No matter how hard the training was Fred persevered through it. Fred is a special child and I will forever count him among my spiritual children. Rather he fully embraces the Path of Ulvak or his Hebraic heritage, Fred will always be my pup." Ahash acknowledged Weasel.

Weasel had chuckled and then gave a serious look to Ahash. "You know Mr. Ebonymoon you going to have to tell Fred about your past someday. That boy has a reputation for being inquisitive to others. You better be prepared for the day Sir." Weasel mentioned.

"Some things aren't meant to be uncovered. Only Father Time has that authority and knows when it's the right time to reveal certain truths to people." Ahash replied. 

Eldad had glanced at his scimitars and nodded at Ahash. "Don't worry Ahash, I'll make Tyrone into a fine warrior of the sword. He will be training under one of the best swordsmen in Earthrealm." Eldad said in a cold raspy voice. 

"Eldad Ben Hadar, I have confidence in you. I think it would be best for Tyrone to be trained by one of his own. I have plans on letting Fred train with Rion Stormrider the Stormborn warrior from the world of Avalon. Pookie will be learning the art of the spear by Master Daruk the Araxus warrior." Ahash mentioned.

"You know Pookie has a rep for using guns Mr. Ebonymoon, I don't think he would like the idea of not training with guns," Weasel added.

"I know that Weasel, but Pookie must learn how to fight with a bladed weapon. I'll let him train with guns too. Now for their spiritual power control, I'll assign them to Master Bina Hada. Bina is a master of controlling spirit power. Don't worry Weasel they will be in good hands with Master Bina Hada." Ahash mentioned.

"I hope she can help Udiyah Varda control her powers. I read about her background, at the age of 5 she was part of a tragic event. Her village burnt down due to losing control of her powers. The people of Brazil label her a witch and wanted to kill her, but she was rescued by Raganael Duskwalker the Nocturne warrior. She spent most of her childhood being raised in the hidden Nocturne city known as Ain Ranah. Only the Nocturnes and their trusted allies know the location of this city. The Lightleaf siblings are interesting and it's great to see we have other races of Elven students here too. I just love this diversity of different beings here at Goshen Academy." Weasel mentioned while taking a sip of green tea.

"You know Weasel, you should get out and go mingle with some people. Go set yourself up with a date. They are many single sisters on this land and if you are into dating Nohu women, I can have someone set up a date for you. You're 30 years old bruh, and life is too short to be sitting behind a computer screen." Ahash advised Weasel.

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