Chapter 25: Investigation at the Gas Station

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The police and ambulance had finally arrived at the gas station where Sebastian and Alice went. The bikers were loaded into separate ambulances. Moose had suffered a few broken ribs and a shattered fist. Grinner jaw was broken and missing a few teeth. Chugger was broken up pretty badly. It was like he was thrown around like a rag doll.

"Who could have done this shit man? They must have pissed off the wrong motherfucker tonight." One of the paramedics mentioned while loading Moose into the ambulance.

"It had to have been a rival MC or local crime syndicate. Whoever it was meant business I can tell you that." Another paramedic mentioned.

The police had started to question the gas station clerk. The clerk was ready to answer the questions. "Sir give me your name first." Directed one of the officers.

The clerk took a deep breath. "My name is Tyler Patson officer."

"Thank you Mr. Patson, now can I have your report on tonight's incident. Take your time and don't be nervous. You're not in trouble we just need your cooperation." The officer replied.

Tyler remembered every detail that Sebastian told him to say to the police. He told the officer that it was a rival MC that beat the Tough Customers members. The officers wrote down every detail that Tyler mentioned to them.

"Are you sure it was a rival MC?" One of the other officers ask.

"Yes, it was Officer?" Tyler answers quickly. "Can I go now? I had a rough night."

"Just a few more questions I promise", the officer said.

The officer had asked Tyler for descriptions of the attacks. Tyler knew he had to come up with a quick answer.

"Everything happened so fast. I hid behind the counter and try not to witness the brawl. I feared for my safety officer." Tyler responded.

Sheriff McClure and Deputy Stockstill arrived on the scene. The Sheriff stepped out of his truck and look around the scene. He enters the gas station along with Deputy Stockstill. He sees how much of a mess it was and shook his head.

"Boys, it looks like we have a major shit storm on our hands. Just how did the hell this shit start?" Sheriff McClure asked one of the police officers.

The police officers explained the details to the sheriff. Sheriff McClure wasn't buying it at all. He was suspicious of the whole story.

"You mean to tell that the bikers were jumped by a rival MC. I call bullshit because the local MCs had respected each other turfs for the last 3 months. Deputy Stockstill can you pull up the info about the city MCs." The Sheriff ordered.

"Yes, Sheriff McClure." Deputy Stockstill replied. "The city of Griffin, Georgia has a few MCs. The most prominent ones are The Tough Customers, The Angry Rillas, The Disciples of Ulvak, The Throttle Bullies, and The Raging Boars. All of these are 1%er clubs and have recorded criminal activity. Crimes range from drug possession, kidnapping, extortion, assault and battery, and road rage. From our knowledge, the Raging Boars and Tough Customers have a long blood feud. Bikers from both of these clubs lost their lives due to violence. The Tough Customers and Raging Boars are White Clubs. The Angry Rillas is an African America Club. The Disciples of Ulvak are a mixed-race club most of their members are Black or Hispanic. The Throttle Bullies are a White Club but considered to be neutral." Deputy Stockstill reported while pulling up the information.

"Has any violence between the rival MCs has occurred lately?" The Sheriff asked.

Deputy Stockstill searched his computer. "No violence between the clubs. We have had a few traffic stops and minor offenses over the last few weeks. It seems like the MCs are trying to avoid trouble between each other."

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