Chapter 13: Weapons Training

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It was 3 in the afternoon and the students were eating lunch. Some of the faculty members were running errands around the campus. Ahash was sitting at his desk in the Headmaster's office. He was joined by Sifa Martin and Jaboris Baldwin. Sifa handed him some dossiers of more students that were attending the academy. 

"These are the files of the late arrivals, I think you might want to check them out," Sifa mentioned. 

Ahash begins going through the files and examining the students. "Prince Samuel is only 10 years old and his file says that he's a master harp player. The file says that soundwaves from his music can calm spirits down. He's also a genius and has written a few songs. This boy is going to be an interesting one and I can see Fred mentoring him." Ahash acknowledged.

Ahash pulls another file out and it was a girl that belonged to the Shinni race. "Devora Honeywind will be the first Shinni student at Goshen Meadow Academy. The Shinni race is a race of Bee-like people that resides on the continent of Africa."  Ahash mentioned.  

"Why would a Shinni want to join this academy? I thought the Shinni don't meddle with affairs outside their colonies." Jaboris mentioned.

Ahash crossed his arms and rubbed his beard braid. "Maybe the awakening of the Alpha Humans has alerted them and by sending Devora as a representative, they might want to join them as allies. The Shinni are in the NHA database, but they are not part of the NHA Council. The Shinni has been neutral for centuries." Ahash replied.

"What about Jimena Shadowtalon? She belongs to the Darkenith race which is dark fae beings that are skilled assassins." Sifa Martin added.

"Ah, the Darkenith are mysterious indeed, and not too many Unseelie Fae ally with beings on Earthrealm. Most Darkenith that choose to be freelancers usually ally with those who they seem worthy of. We will welcome Jimena like any other student here." Ahash admitted.

Ahash had sorted through the files and stopped for a moment. His face was serious and his crewmembers knew that it was something not to take lightly. The student that Ahash was focusing on was named Damien Azarin. "This Damien is a mysterious one and I sensed that he's going to be trouble for the Israelite students." He mentioned.

"Why do you say that Boss?" Jaboris asked with a concerned look.

"Damien is an Alpha Human but he's not part of the seed of Israel. His race is melanated but they are different from average humans. His race is known as the Maganidites who descend from a powerful mage named Maganidas. Maganidas came from another realm and sired children with Shemitic women. The Maganidites worship him as a god. The Ancient Israelites were ordered by their God to slay many of them. Many Israelites were tempted to learn about magic from the people of Magan and it angered their God. The God of the Israelites had ordered the righteous warriors to rise against the Maganidites and slay them. King David and his Mighty men had slain many of them. The Maganidites were driven out of the land of Canaan." Ahash mentioned.

"How come this isn't mentioned in the Bible?" Sifa asked.

"This knowledge is only known by the Oldest of Nocturnes and other ancient beings. Many ancient sages knew it was wise to not share this knowledge with common humans. I was fortunate to learn about this from an old Nocturne friend of mine. Non-Human and Supernatural history isn't meant for the mundane society to know. This is why organizations like the NHA exist." Ahash answered.

"What else does the file say about Damien Azarin?" Jaboris Baldwin asked.

"It mentions that he's highly skilled in magic use, martial arts, and swordplay. The Maganidite race is natural-born magic users. They make some powerful mages and even Elves are wise not to underestimate them. The Maganidites age slower and live longer than humans usually up to 3 centuries. It also says that Damien's heritage is mixed, so that means one of his parents is part of another race. The file doesn't mention which one. He's the same age as Fred and he stands at 6'3" tall." Ahash mentioned.

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