Chapter 23

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Mide's POV.

I sighed as I threw a small stone into a mud puddle and quickly moved back to stop it from splashing on me .
Baba hadn't said a word to me since we started the walk home,he only looked at me and smiled .

I wondered what he was smiling about.How would I know though,this man was at least sixty two years older than me .

He was probably cooking up another proverb to tell me .

As we approached the house,we heard some noise .

Someone was arguing with Mama but her voice was the loudest .
Ask me if I'm surprised ,I'm not .

I hissed wondering who Mama had brought into the house to scream at again. Or maybe it was even to gossip .

But the noise got louder as we got closer and as soon as we reached the door ,we heard Mama's shrill cries .

I was immediately on speed mode as I ran into the kitchen where the noise was coming from while Baba went to call the neighbors for help.

I stared at my shaking father who held a bloody knife and and Mama on the floor.

The scream came out of my mouth without me even knowing therefore alerting my dad of my presence.

He moved towards me and latched on to my arm before I could step outside .

He aimed for my stomach but I bent making him stab me on my arm .

Just then a neighbor ran in and dad started running .The neighbor pursued him .

I on the other hand tried to lift Mama's thin figure ignoring the pain in my left shoulder .


Mama moaned as I lifted her up .
"What are you doing ?" She said .
"Mama please just calm down ."
"Put me down ."
"What ?"
"Put me down"
I did as I was told .

"I know I have done many wrong things to you and your mother .Seeing you trying to save me , upon all I've done, it's amazing . I am sorry for all I've done, though no matter how much I say sorry now I'm still going to die.Just know that I'm sorry for .."
I rushed to her chest trying to see if she was still breathing.
"E..everything. Help me to tell all this to your mother."

"No no Mama ,you'll be able to tell her all this to her yourself ."
I tried lifting her up again but noticed she was stiff .
Mama was no longer breathing.

I never thought I would hear her say those words .

Mama was buried at the back of the house . Baami and I didn't cry ,he just shook his head once in a while and kept staring at the sky like he expected her to come down from it while I did a good job on scoffing at the hypocrisy of the women . They were crying like she was their sister meanwhile I had heard each and everyone of them gossip mama at one point in time when she was alive .

Mum came but without Dami this time .You wouldn't believe that she cried when she heard what had happened ,upon what she had gone through all because of mama .
After the burial I and baami walked mum to where her car was packed . I stretched myself towards her to give her a good bye hug but baba interrupted .
"Don't greet her good bye yet ,you are going with her ."
I looked at him weirdly before words could come to my aid .
"What do you mean .I can't go with her ." I defended.
"Do not argue with me ,you will go with her ."
I sighed looking at the two adults with me .Even if I was going to argue with mum I dared not with baba ,but there was one more trick up my sleeve .
"What's the use I'm going to school tomorrow  "
"That's the more reason you should go with her today  because once the term is over you'll be going there ." How is that a reason for me to go with her  ?
"I haven't packed my things ." I gave it one more shot .
"Why lie to your grand father ?Didn't you pack in preparation for tomorrow last night ? Your mother has taken the bag. It's in the car ." Okay ,remind me to never lie to baba again .He's like some type of human lie detector .

With one last sigh ,I walked over to him and gave him a hug .What a switch. I remember being about  to hug mum few minutes ago .
"You'll be fine don't worry ."

I hopped into the car with uncertainty of how everything would be .

We had just gotten to mum's house. Her house was gigantic. I wondered if she and Dami lived alone it.
She asked the gateman to get my bag and we walked to the front door .After opening it ,she showed me to my room and told me to go freshen up before coming downstairs.

My mouth was left agape once I entered the room .It was too wide with only a few things in sight . A bed ,a wardrobe and a reading table and chair .If these were the only things in the room then why so much space ?

I opened the door to what I thought to be the bathroom and wasn't quite surprised when I noticed it was as astonishing as the room .

I had a quick bath and changed before going downstairs to tour the large house by my self .

Still on my tour I wandered into the kitchen and saw mum ."Oh you're down already ? How are you doing ?"
"I'm fine ." I replied silently .
"Okay,food is ready go and call Dami.He is in his room ."
"Uhm...I don't know where it us ."
"Oh ,it's two rooms away from yours ." She answered .

I then walked to his room and knocked .
"Yeah wh..."
He stopped in his tracks and accessed me .
"What are you doing here ?"

Author's note: Thank you ,thank you so much guys .This story now has 500+views🎉🎉. Thank you guys so much for the votes too.I can't thank you enough and I hope that you continue to Vote ,share and comment .
I know I've slacked on updates lately and believe me I'm sorry just that I've been really busy lately . It's just that when I came online and saw over five hundred views I just had to drop an update . thank you so much 😀.

So who do you think opened the door ?The next chapter will be dedicated to whoever gets it right .

Bye guys 😘

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