Chapter 22

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Mide had just woken up and with a headache too .The events of last night came flooding into her head again and she cried into the pillow .
Looking around for Suliat and finding out she wasn't there ,Mide decided to have a bath and scrub away the wicked memories in her head .

She went to the drawer that Suliat kept her extra sponge .It was the one Mide used each time she slept over .

It didn't take time for her to walk into the bathroom after getting all she would need from the drawer .

Aramide scrubbed and scrubbed ,trying to get his hands off her but it felt like it was permanent .

"I've been waiting for so long .."
She burst into tears as she recalled all what he said to her .
Her tears !icing with the water fell down her face .

After she was done bathing ,she put the most comfortable thing she could find and landed on the bed .
She stared at the ceiling.
Life wasn't over yet , She still had to go back to school .
If she worked hard enough she would get the scholarship for the rest of her classes .At least..

Mide's phone rung and she picked it to hear Suliat's voice .
"How are you doing ?Have you eaten ?I asked my brother to help you make something ."
If not for her condition, Mide would have laughed at that .
"I'm fine but I'm not hungry ."
She murmured ,barely loud enough for Suliat to hear her response .
"Okay .Please come to your house .That's where I am ."
The look in Mide's face was priceless .How in the world did Suliat expect her to come 'home' ?
That place had been more of he'll than home to her .

"Before you object,it is a matter of life and death ."

Life and death .It must have been about baami .
What if the news scared him to death ?

Ughh! She knew it .Always selfish .She just had to drag baami into her mess .

She wanted to respond but she noticed the call had already been cut .

Quickly putting on her slippers ,she ran home ignoring the furious beating of her heart .


She slowed down sighting the figure of someone she had grown used to in the past few weeks .

What was Dami doing sitting with her mum and baami under the visitors tree ?

Well at least baami looked okay .

She took large strides towards the tree and made her presence known by clearing her throat.

Dami shifted uncomfortably on seeing her .

"Hey ."

He said raising his head .

"I uhm heard what happened .I'm so sorry ."

Aramide's mum hit him on the back and whispered .
"Keep quiet ."

He sat down and faced the ground trying to avoid Mide's burning gaze .

Baami cleared his throat and drew Aramide to sit down beside him .

Just then Maama appeared ,standing and watching them with hate filled eyes .

"Miwa, I am very sorry . I didn't mean to abandon you .All these years that I have been away from you there was not one day I didn't think about you .That is why I have come back for you"

"Then why did you leave me ?"
Mide asked still keeping her calm .She had previously made up her mind to iron things out with her mum and maybe dissolve the anger in her heart a bit .She hated keeping feelings bottled up .

"Your mother has come to take you with her .Away from this place ."
Baami said as he took a sip of water from his cup .

"Baami ,I'm sure you know it very well that I won't go with her ."

My Wish #project NigeriaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang