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Draco woke up to a sleeping potter, he smiled. He kissed Harry's cheek and got up, going to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, letting the water relax his muscles he was tense because of that dumb note. Why was he worrying so much about it though, maybe it as just a joke? He got out of the shower and started to apply the cream all over his body, suddenly the door opened he squeaked."Shit sorry, I didn't know you in here" Harry exclaimed closing the door quickly.

Draco laughed and peaked his head out the door "It's all right" and closed the door again. Draco put his clothes on and exited the bathroom."The bathroom is open" Harry nodded and headed inside. After a quick twelve minutes Harry came out, Draco snickered."Harry come over here your hair is a mess"Draco brushed his hair trying to make it look nicer, of course, he failed. He pouted"I swear your hair has a mind of its own".

They both heard a knock, Draco opened the door."Oh, it's you Pansy" Pansy raised a brow"Yeah duh"Blasie chuckled"Draco you should shut up more we couldn't sleep all night"Draco turned crimson."Wait y-you heard all that"."Ding, ding, ding yep we did seems like you two had a fun night" Harry chuckled.

After a drive full of teasing Draco finally arrived home. Surprise, surprise both of his parents were there."What now" he mumbled."Draco your mother has informed me that you have changed since being with Mr.Potter"Draco scoffed"What I haven't changed"Narcissa went up to him "Darling we know you've skipped school two times now and you been coming home very late, you also look worried these days"

"Draco this can not keep up your education is more important, not that boy so I suggest that you leave him"Draco could feel anger boiling inside of him"How dare you even suggest that father"Narcissa sighed"Honey its f-"Draco stomped his foot"No.no.no both of you just shut up y-you know what I'm leaving"Draco grabbed his bag and dramatically left his home leaving his parents shocked.

He ran and he ran all the way to Pansy's house, "Hello Dary what's up"."Can i stay at your house for a while i ran away from home"Pansy snorted and invited him in."So what happened" Pansy asked sipping her coffee."Well my parents told me to break it off with Harry so I uh ran away"

"Well, you can stay here for a bit but not for long your parents are probably going to check here my advice you should move in with lover boy"Pansy gave him a wink."Pansy that's a lot to ask from Harry I don't want to stress him,it's fine i'll get a cheap apartment it's fine"

"Well your going to need a job"Pansy suggested"Well one that pays a fair amount but i have no degree or skills"Pansy smirked evilly "Oh, oh, oh Draco welcome to the world of the stripper"Draco chocked"W-well I mean I guess that is a choice b-but look at me nobody would ever give me money"Pansy placed her coffee down"Honey some of the ugliest girls i've seen work as a stripper and they get good cash"

"Wait you a stripper Pansy"Draco exclaimed.Pasny nodded"Yep I'll get you an interview no worries love"Draco nodded, run away was a success well kinda almost.Pansy arrived at work ,she went into the locker room and looked for the boss, aha there it is"Mrs.HuckaBee I was wondering if a friend could join us up on stage"Huckabee turned around and smiled"Well I don't see a problem she can join us on next monday"Pasny gulped please say yes she thought"Actually Ma'am it's a He".

"Pasny dear this is not a gay club"Pansy bit down on her lip "He could maybe wear a wig he has feminine features"Huckabee thought for a while"Well then i don't see a problem with that"and headed off.Yes,score Pasny thought.

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