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They both arrived at the party, the music was loud and the place smelled of alcohol. Draco kissed Harry's cheek"Thanks for the ride handsome" and headed off to find Pansy and Blaise. Pansy was next to the punch and Blasie was talking to some group of people.

Pansy was wearing a puff-sleeved primary-colored dress with black satin heels. She really did know how to dress no wonder she got hit on so much. But no matter how dates she was offered she always turned them down because she was a loyal girlfriend to Blaise.

As soon as Pansy spotted Draco she waved to him. Pansy looked at Draco up and down"Did Potter get a boner when he saw you"Draco turned red"As if shut up Pansy"Pansy handed Draco a red cup filled with beer to the tippy-top. Draco took a sip and spit it out "Gag me with a spoon that taste like ass"

Pansy took the cup and put it on the table"Draco we both know you have never tasted ass in your life"Draco sighed"Pansy you know what I mean"Pansy ignored him and gave a wink to Blasie which Blasie returned to a gesture to a bedroom door."Draco hold my drink I got to go"Draco was handed the drink and left on the spot

"Pansy you spaz come back here" Draco yelled but it was no use Pansy was long gone. He was bubbling with anger he threw the drink on the floor."Woah you seem mad" he was about to let hell loose on this person but turns out it was just Harry.

"Yeah I kinda am my friend Pansy just left me to hook up with her boyfriend "Harry laughed and Draco rolled his eyes."In that case, wanna play beer pong"Draco nodded and headed outside.

Draco and Harry were on a very competitive game of beer pong a lot of people were watching them and to be honest they were both really drunk. They were both tied and there was only two cups left on each side. Draco scored a point and so did Harry and the game kept on going.

In the end they were both insanely drunk and they didn't know who lost or won but to then it didn't matter."H-Harry let's go somewhere quiet *hiccup*"Harry and Draco stumpled on the dance floor looking for a quiet empty room,intill they did find one..

They went inside and closed the door,both sitting on the bed.They only thing lighting the room was a lamp on a bed side table."Does your head *hiccup* hurt"Harry asked.But Draco put a finger over his lips and shushed him."Sssshh my head hurts"they really weren't doing anything until starring turned into a heated makeout session.

There lips moving together rhythmically,Harry's hand went up Draco's shirt touching any space of skin he could find.Harry grabbed Draco's back pushing them even closer.Draco moaned into kiss as he felt his boner brush agasints Harry's.

Harry pulled his shirt over his head,and plaming Draco throught his leather pants.Making Draco moan into his mouth,Harry started palming him harder and faster.Draco gasped"N-no im not gonna *hiccup* last"Harry smirked unziping his pants and kicking them off,Draco following .

Harry went over and looked in the drawer and spotted lube,he took the lube and went back to the bed almost falling over because he was still heavily drunk."mmm let me suck you off "Draco whined covering Harry's face with kisses.Draco started to pull down Harry's boxers with teeth,Harry's length sprung out.Draco took the length in his hand licking all the pre-cum with his warm tongue.Earing a grunt from Harry.

Finally Draco took the length fully in his mouth,he looked as if he didn't have a gag reflex.Harry took a handful of Draco's blond locks ,thrusting his hips into the blonde's mouth.Harry cursed hot spurts shooting down Draco's throat.

Draco collapsed next to Harry"I-It hurts"Harry looked over and saw a bugle in Draco's boxers.So he pulled down his boxers down and grabbed Draco's length pumping up and down.Draco let out a high-pitch moan as Harry swiped his thumb the tip and collecting the pre-cum using it as lube.Harry connected there lips again,his tongue exploring the others mouth as Draco kept moaning.

Draco whined"Harry *hiccup*f-fuck me can't take it"Harry took the lube, opened it squeezing a little on his fingers.Harry looked at Draco for confirmation, Draco nodded.

Harry started to ease his index finger into the blonde's entrance, Draco letting out a whimper and Harry pumped in and out.Harry kissed Draco's and assured him that it wouldn't hurt for long.Stroking Draco's length.

" Hmm ahh"Draco hummed in pleasure, Hardy adding another finger.Pumping faster and doing a scissoring motion before pulling him out. Hardy grabbed the lube bottle again and squirted some into his palm.

Harry pumped himself a few times,before placing the til to Deaco's entrance.He slowly pushed in giving Draco time to adjust.Draco inhaled "mm-move"

At the signal, Harry started to thrust in and out.Draco cursed under breath"G-go faster"he moaned.The pleasure making him clench the bedsheets until his knuckles went white.

Harry thrusted in and out of Draco faster.Both of their his meeting, and the til of Harry's length hitting the others prostate.Draco started getting louder and squirming under Hardy letting the boy on top know he was close.

Then Draco let out a whiney like moan as his orgasm came.Peraly white getting in both of their abdomen.Both boys collapsed on the bed, exhausted.Harry grabbed a towel cleaning them both off mind still fuzzy from being intoxicated.

Draco snuggled closer and laid his head on Harry's chest.Both boy's fell asleep in each others company.

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now