Chapter 27

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Mr.Ross is the most irritating teacher in school.

Believe me when I say, that he will not feel the need to apologize after calling out your name, asking you a question, and embarrassing you in front of the whole class, all because you glanced the wrong way while he explained the definition of the word evil.

He also gives tons of homework and assumes that his students don't have anything better to do with their lives.

So here I am, sitting at the kitchen table, trying to focus on the irrelevant homework and not on my want to take a nap.

I stared at the annoying questions with no hope and decided to draw flowers and hearts until my brain agrees to corporate with me.

"Landler, can you bring me a snack?" Jacob, who was busy playing video games in the living room instead of studying for his upcoming math test, asked me loudly.

"Just a minute."

Some cold water and a bag of salty chips sounded perfect to me(and to Jacob, of course). I stepped out of the kitchen with my hands full of unhealthy(but good) food and began making my way towards the final destination.

All of a sudden, a strange sound coming from the main door of the basement made me jump on my spot. Noah usually doesn't come back home this early on Mondays.

So who in the world could it be?

My heart started pounding fast against my ribs when I turned around to meet with the sour expression on Noah's clean face.

There was no blood, thank God.

But Noah didn't care about the blood, about anything, to be exact. He seemed far from happy with his crossed arms and moving chest, and I knew, I just knew, that the next few minutes with him were going to be tough.

Well, at least it wasn't a scary ghost at the door.

The person I needed to stay away from, the person I managed to ignore for almost a week, walked towards me in a way that screamed: run if you discovered meaning in your life.

"Ms.Brown just called me. She said I need to start attending classes. What I don't understand is why you complained about me not being there with you, after I asked you to trust me with the project."

My response to his stupid nonsense was opening the bag of chips and eating right in front of him.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I was considering the option of slapping him hard. But since slapping him required me to walk into the kitchen, place my snacks on the counter, and only then go back to the hallway to knock some sense into him, I let it pass.

I needed to save the last bit of my energy for the rest of the homework.

"You are wasting my time, but let me tell you something you already know. Ms.Brown called you because you never show up in her classes, not because of me."

His eyes were still burning with fury, however this time, he didn't say a word.

"Want some?" I handed him the bag of chips with a fake smile, hoping to make him even angrier.

Before I knew it, Noah Adams took away the whole bag of chips and left me standing in the empty hallway like a hungry fool.


The amount of time I spent watching tv was pathetic.

The fourth season of my favorite cooking show was playing, and I was ready with my vanilla ice cream in case the episode dealt with desserts.

Every Tuesday afternoon, a new episode comes out, and let me tell you that I waited for that episode more than I had like to admit.

My excited smile faded away when Noah stole the remote from beside me and sat on the cold floor. He seemed tense for some reason, but my promise to stay away from him made me think twice before talking to him.

Then, he rudely changed the channel, making me forget about the freaking promise.

He is more than welcome to watch his action movies with his new girlfriend, not with me.

A moment later, I stood in front of him with my back to the tv. But Noah refused to glance my way. He looked away to the side, and I could tell that something was bothering him. Something that caused him pain.

I made it my new goal to punch the person who made him feel that way.

Ignoring my fast heartbeats, I stepped forward, and with my last bit of dignity, I sat on his thighs, placing each one of my legs on either side of his warm body.

The guy kept on playing hard to get, and so I gently grabbed his beautiful face, forcing him to look at me.

I thanked God when his troubled green eyes finally met mine.

"What's wrong?" I asked him quietly, hating the fact that I cared so much about his hurt feelings.

"That son of a bitch kissed you?"

He heard.

Earlier that day in the free period class, Logan came to our table and apologized for kissing me at the party.

The strong alcohol made him forget about the fact that our lips didn't even touch that night, but I didn't mention anything about his lack of knowledge and told him that everything is just fine.

Noah, who was behind mad at the fact that Ms.Brown forced him to attend her classes again, listened to music using his earphones until the bell rang.

"It's none of your business, Noah," I stated, trying my hardest not to give in to his pained eyes and tell him the truth.

"You are God damn wrong, princess," he snapped.

"No, you are wrong. You made it very clear that you don't want anything to do with me."

"Kiss him one more time, and I swear I will hunt him down," he completely ignored my last comment and sounded like he was really planning to hunt Logan down.

"You have no right to say it!" I brought my hands down the floor and wanted to puke when I realized how bad I was already missing his warmth.

"I will say whatever the fuck I want to say."

"Then I will kiss whoever I want to kiss."

I didn't want to kiss anyone but him.

"You wouldn't dare," he eyed me dangerously.

"Don't test me."

"I am going for a smoke," he announced seconds before he stood up from the floor and disappeared from my sight.


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