Days 223 - 229

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223. So Close

A light

It was at the end of the tunnel

It's glow rose and warming

At times I forgot it was there

It felt so far away

Marathons and lightyears

An unreachable goal

But I kept walking

Limping through the dark

As the musky air harassed my nose

Until one day

When I looked back up

And swore the light was closer

Ever so slightly larger

And that was when I knew

My goal was right there

Not a figment of imagination

But a physical orb

Just waiting for my gentle touch

So trench on I did

Day after day

And now as I look up

I face a new uncertainty

I will touch the light

It's only just out of my reach

My fingertips graze it's warmth

As I wonder what comes next

224. Drinks on Me

Where everybody knows your name

That's what they say

A home away from home

A family away from family

With alcohol and boose

And beer nuts all over

Raise a glass

To an extension of your life

225. Online Friends

Sing a song

Or sing along

A friend is a wonderful person

Found in a class

Found in a park

Or somehow found online

Oh what a wonder the internet has become

Just so many years ago

They never would have thought

Yet here we are

Finding friends that we never even meet

Yet we share a morning drink

Or a late lunch

While halfway across the world

You can sing a song

And you could sing along

226. Admiration

"You have no idea how much I admire you! You're like a living legend." He pushed his glasses back into place.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me." I stepped to the side of the path.

"I'm just so ecstatic that I got to meet you." He looked around, his emerald hair falling back across his face. "I'm sorry to disturb you. I just had to."

"I'm glad you did." I pulled my phone out from my pocket and turned my music off. "I'm actually a fan of your work myself."

"Stop." He pushed the hair from his ocean blue eyes and rested his hands over his rosey cheeks.

"Really. I'll be in town until thursday. Would you like to meet for dinner one night?" I studied his intricate scarring on his wrist and the freckles poking out from under his hands.

He squeaked as he nodded his head violently. "I would absolutely love that."

I held my phone out for him. "Great. Give me your number and we can set something up."

227. Trash Day


It is powerful

It holds your secrets

You can tell everything

From someone's trash

Small stick to say a new life is near

Banana peels from the start of a diet

Each bag is new

Totally unique

A snapshot of life

I pick up each week

228. Mailbox

I shuffled through the papers. "Oh shoot."

"What?" Jonathan looked up.

"It's an election year."


"We got mail in ballots." I held the envelopes up for inspection.

He smiled and turned back to the television. "Yeah. You asked me to sign up for them."

"Right." I grabbed a pen and took a seat next to him. "Let's do this now, before I forget again."

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Only you would forget to vote while the country is burning to the ground."

229. Fresh & Clean

"I don't like it."

"You don't like what?"

"The squeaking."

I looked down at him for a clue as to what he was talking about. "What squeaking?"

"You said I'd be squeaky clean. I don't like the squeaking." He shook his head.

"It's a figure of speech. You won't actually squeak." I patted his shoulder.

"Yes I will." He picked his toothbrush up and shoved it in his mouth. "I'll show you."

"Oh Ok." I watched as his arms moved back and forth scrubbing the day from his teeth.

He spit in the sink and rinsed with the shot glass before turning around with a huge smile. "See." He pressed one finger against his front tooth and slid it side to side. Sure enough a quiet squeak filled the space between us.

"Well I'll be." I patted his head and smiled. "It looks like you do squeak after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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