Days 146 - 152

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146. Clear and Transparent

She smiled

But her smile was glass

Cold and hardened


Bellow her smile

Her carefully detailed mask

She cried

147. Break the Silence







Speak up

Stand for more

Stand for better


Say something


Instead you remain


148. Beat

I cracked the door open. He swung around the room from hip to hip with his earbuds in and his eyes closed. He sang at the top of his lungs, wildly off key. His bright blue towel somehow stayed on his hips. His bright brown hair flung around in wet clumps. He had a plumbob tattoo peeking out from his towel on his left hip.

"AAAAAAaaaaaahhhh!" He jolted to a stop and grabbed at his chest as he caught his breath. "What what what... What in the world are you doing, sneaking around like that?"

149. Color Palette

I wrapped my arms around him and peeked over his shoulder. Varying shades of blues and violets covered every inch of his palette. I kissed his cheek as I glanced over his mountain landscape.

"Hi." He lowered the pallet and turned around. He kissed my forehead and looked me over. "That's a nice top. Is it new?"

I smiled and waved my hand at him. "What, this old thing? It's been hanging in the closet for months."

He chuckled and put on his best cuban accent. "Whatever you say, Lucy."

150. Magazine

"Calm down."


"Calm down. Worrying isn't going to make the tests go faster."

He took one more lap before sitting down next to me. His leg shook as he violently tapped his foot. His fingers dug into each other. "But-"

"Love, please, calm down." I set my book down next to me and ran my hand up and down his arm. "I'm nervous too. Try to distract yourself, please."

He took a deep breath. "You're right. I'm sorry. Keep reading."

I picked up my book and Tom picked up a magazine off the table. I started to read, but sure enough I felt eyes on the side of my head. I lowered my book down and looked over at Tom. He had the magazine up to his face, but his eyes watched me.

"Mrs. Myrtle?"

"Yes!" Tom jumped out of his chair. The magazine went flying from his hand and hit the nurse in the head.

151. The Grass is Greener

I set the bag of mulch down and replaced it with my daughter. Alice tugged lightly at my beard before hugging me. She smiled.

"How's your grass looking?"



"I did great job, Daddy."

"Yes you did." I held her closer as I walked us around to her play area and the small patch of grass sprouting within it. "Did you water it today?"

She nodded. "Yup, Daddy. I taked real good care of my grass."

"I'm proud of you, baby." I set her down and she ran to the small fence, admiring her handiwork.

"See daddy? It's even greener than your grass."

I smiled and patted her head. "I think your right. Keep up the good work."

152. Mind & Body

"My body is my temple. My body is my temple. My body is my temple."


"Yeah, you need something?" The floor creaked under his weight as he stood up and crossed the hall. He peeked his head into the bedroom. "Is it time for your medicine? What time is it?"

"No, babe. What are you doing?"

He shifted his weight. "Checking on you. How's your incision?" He stepped into the doorway. His shirt was off and he had drawn the word temple across his chest.

"I meant with the talking... and the..." I pointed to his handwriting. He looked down and smiled.

"Oh! Sorry, babe. I'm trying to get hyped up to work out. Some dude online said to try this. Become the temple." He laughed and winked at me.

366 Days of Writing Prompts (2020)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora