Days 167 - 173

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167. Give and Receive

I give

You take

That's how the cycle goes





That's how the cycle goes

168. Baker's Dozen

I caught a glimpse of navy blue hair dart behind the doorway to the back. I pushed my way through the front doors and held it open for Jackie. She stepped in and took a deep breath through her nose. You didn't need to work hard to smell the cinnamon and walnuts that circled the room. The front display case was white and filled with cookies, cakes, and brownies. Their big roasting and brewing machines rested against the wall behind the marble countertop.

"Good morning. Can I help you?" Mrs. Thomas smiled at us.

"Yes. Could we have two blueberry bagels, one with strawberry vanilla jam and the other with plain boring cream cheese." Jackie waltzed up to the counter and opened her wallet.

Mrs. Thomas used a pair of tongs to fish out bagels out of the display. "Would you like them toasted."

"Yes, please."

As she cut our bagels open I watched the window, praying for another glimpse of him. Sure enough, as our bagels went into the toaster, Adam's face popped back into view. Our eyes caught for a second before he ducked again.

"Is that all?" Mrs. Thomas shifted her gaze from us to the door as Pasture Christian Thomas walked in behind us.

He smiled as his wife before nodding at us. "Good morning, Jackie. And Zagon, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"I hope you've found what you came here for." He studied me.

"I believe we have."

169. Treehouse

Two legs disappeared into the leaves up in the old oak tree. I glanced around before making my way through the yard. One more glance to make sure no one was watching, then I climbed up the ladder.

She looked at me and giggled. "Josh, what are you doing?"

"I came to play."

She playfully wacked my arm as I crawled over to her. I sat with my back against the wall.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Thanks for coming. All we need is Jackson and a backpack full of junk food."

As if on command, Jackson's face peaked up over the floorboards. "Funny you would say that." He pushed a grey bookbag up the ladder. "I just so happen to bring food with me. Although this isn't junk food. This is top quality horderves, made by yours truly."

Jenna and I laughed as Jackson settled himself pretzel style in the middle of the floor. He unzipped the backpack and started setting tupperware containers out.

"How are you doing, Jen?"

She wiped a tear from her eye. "I've been better. I'll be better. Just not yet."

Jackson popped a mozzarella bite into his mouth. "I got some time. Do you want us to come stay with you for a bit?"

"You're speaking for him again."

"Oh come on! Josh has been actually in love with you for 20 years. There's no way he didn't already take off."

Jen looked over at me.

"I mean, he's right."

170. Risk

There he was. The most beautiful man on earth. His dark brown hairs perfectly matched his eyes. His lips were the perfect shade of cherry. His skin was tan and clear except for the three long scars on his chest. His arms the perfect size to fit around me. And he was looking at me.

I ducked out of view. If I looked at him any longer, I would start to stare. And I couldn't stare here. Mom was just around the corner and dad would be here any minute. They couldn't know.

Instead of looking I leaned back against the wall thinking of Friday night. His arms holding me tight. His lips pressed against mine. His fingers running through my hair. How in the world could a guy as gorgeous as him like me? But he did. He even said he loved me. And I might just love him too.

I had to look at him. Just one more time. Mom wouldn't see, right? Especially if he was ordering. I peeked my head back into the window. Our eyes met, and I would have smiled, If dad hadn't walked in behind him. I ducked back out of view and backed up.

171. Acrostic


Animals and monsters exist

Do not let them fool you into suppression

172. Crossword Puzzle

Five letters

A word that means dangerous

Pass, Risk, sore

Too short

Crisis, Hazard, Menace, Threat

Too long


Judging by

The knife in his palm

I'd say that's just right

173. Silver Lining

"Well look on the bright side, William."

"What bright side? We're in trouble, again."

"We get to spend the next hour together." He leaned against the wall next to me. His fingers fidgeted with his ripped shirt.He looked down at the ground and picked up a handful of pebbles. "William?"


"Let's play a game."

"What game?"

"I don't know, William. One of your exotic games."

I couldn't help but chuckle.


"I'm sorry, that just has an odd translation. You want a foreign game? Ok, how about noughts and crosses?"

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