Days 48 - 54

1 0 0

48. The Stars

My head pounded at the back of my eyes as my arms forced me upward. Petros and Vikker Thomas leaned against the secured entrance, whispering at each other. The blinking orange light's reflection bounced off the screen in front of me. Stars distant and near surrounded our seemingly still ship. Their light streaked my eyes forming an abstract drawing of a creature I had never known.

I drifted my gaze down to the system, scanning every screen, knob, and button. Something was off. I tried to focus on the text to no avail. I shut my eyes. "Vikker Thomas."

Hands rested on my shoulders as my husband steadied me. "You should lay down."


"I'm right here. What can I do?" His smooth voice scratched at my brain.

"Put the ship on level 1 lockdown. Everyone in a chair besides the three of us."

"Yes, captain." His voice was more of a whisper. His boots stomped on the metal tiles as he marched towards the door.

49. Joke Poem

John Wayne Wheaties

He popped

The box open

He Pulled

The bag open

He reached

His hand in

He pulled

A piece out

He set

The piece down

He held

The hammer high

He slammed

The hammer down

He was a cereal killer

50. Just Say No

"It's just one beer. C'mon."

He forced the open can into my hand, knocking the keys out. "I really would rather not."

"Oh! Don't be a wimp. It's just one drink. You deserve it, after everything that's happened to you recently."

I bent down and scooped my keys back out. "But I have my new job in the morning, and I have to drive."

"Just one. Just one drink. C'mon." He smiled and studied my hand. "You know you want to."

I pulled the can up close to my mouth and inspected it. A crash echoed through the room as a platter of wine glasses crashed to the ground. Sam glanced at me with wide eyes before turning back to the man in front of him, now stained with purple liquid. The balding man pulled his hand out and smacked Sam across the face.

"Watch where you're going, twerp."

I brought my eyes back to the can in my hand and a less patient Dyllan. He frowned at me. "Just drink the-"

"No." I tossed the can towards the sink and turned to leave.

51: Sunrise/Sunset

His hand wrapped around mine and rested on my thigh. I snuck a glance at him. He stared out at the deep blue sea as the sun slowly made it's descent. The boat rocked as the waves crashed into it. There had yet to be the roar of another engine, but we were floating closer and closer to the border. The only thing left to do was wait.

I squeezed his hand tighter and took a deep breath. I let the anxiety flow out of me with every breath. The sun now touched the horizon, painting the sky with shades of pink, orange, yellow, and purple. The glowing orb was reflected in the ever moving water below it. The waves distorted the sky, sending colors every witch way.

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