Days 69 - 75

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69. Silly Sports

Wolka Polka is the name of the game. Bumping to beats is the aim.

The game is simple. Just polka.

Dance around to the beat and never stop moving your feet. Bump yourselves into other couples and try to steer clear of their rebuttals.

70. Recipe

A Power Revolution

You begin by mixing two cups of injustice, one and a half cups of suppression, a quarter cup of propaganda, three tablespoons of awareness and enough outrage to bind it together. Then, in a separate pan, heat a cup of vision, a cup of idealism, two teaspoons of hope, and a pinch of rage until it boils. Spread the first mixture evenly across a well planned pan and pour the heated mixture over it. Let it bake at 365 degrees for 50 minutes. The revolution is best served hot and steaming.

71. Famous Artwork

"Is that?"

"Yes." A gruff voice answered back.

"But she didn't finish her question." Justin peeked his head around the corner.

Zed rolled the paint covered paper up and slid it back into it's tube. "We both know what she was about to ask. Yes. It's Water Lillies and Japanese Bridge, by Monet."

I took a step into the room and shut the door. "What in the- What do you think your- How did-"

"Okay, don't freak out. It's actually a funny story."

"Funny story? I can't believe I have to actually say this. You are NOT Nicholas Cage."

"I know. We ju-"

"You are not Ben Gates. This isn't a Movie. You cannot just steal famous documents to find treasure that may or may not exi-"

"Okay, Okay, calm down." He held his hands up.

"Calm down! You-"

Justin clapped a hand over my mouth. "The treasure DOES exist. We did NOT steal the painting, it was on the ste- This is the flower the song referred to?"

72. Where That Place Used to Be

"I thought you might be here." Scarlet crouched down next to me. Her strawberry blonde hair was tucked neatly behind her shoulders.

"Well, you found me. Now what?" I tossed another pebble into the field.

"I was hoping to bring you back home." Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and denied the call. A second hand shaped bruise lined her arm.

"It's not fair."

"I know."

"No you don't know. Nothing is fair. Nothing is right. Why do they have to do this? Why do they have to burn down anything remotely good in the world? They just don't care. Not about destroying lives. Not about collateral damage. Not about anything but their own pockets."

"I miss it too, Tom, but nothing would have changed if the shop was still here."

"You don't know that."

She wrapped her arms around me. "It was never about the shop. Dad was dead whether he was in the building or not. We would still be stuck with Toni and that spawn of hell. We would still be in this situation. Except, maybe we would be in it here, and all those old memories would be soiled by all these new ones. It's time to let go. Come home."

I stood up and wrapped my arms around her as I took one final look at the charred bricks spread around. "I guess your right. I'm just so tired of this. I don't know how much more I can take."

"I know. And I'll make it better. You just have to trust me, and give me a little more time."

73. Last Person You Talked to

"I... I can't believe he's dead." Her hands shook as they gripped her phone and held it to her chest.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Evens. Have you remembered anything else about your father?"

She used one hand to tuck her black hair behind her ear. "Oh, right. I remembered something. He called me on Thursday night. I was in the shower so I it went to voicemail. I tried to call him back but he didn't answer."

"Thursday? What time?"

She looked down at her phone and swiped through. "Uh, at 8:37." She looked back up at me and bit her lip. "Is that important?"

It was two minutes before he was stabbed. "Yes. I'm going to need to hear that voicemail."

74. Caught Red-Handed

"What are you doing?" She raised her eyebrows and pressed her hands into her hips.

"Nothing." I slid the paper behind my back.

"Funny. It sure looked like something."

"Oh this?" I pulled the paper back out. "It's just paper. I just found it. Over there. On the ground."

"Yeah sure." She snatched it out of my hand. "'To my dearest love.' Bro. Come on. It's been a day. The power is supposed to come back on tonight. You can call him in a few hours. This won't even get there by then."

I grabbed it back out of her hand. "I know, I know. It's more for myself. I miss her. I don't know."

"What, do you love her or something?" Lis smirked at me.

I looked down to hide my reddening cheeks. "I... I think I do."

75. Interview

He ran the comb through his jet black hair one more time. "Ok, Jack. Run through my questions one more time."

"It's Jasper, actually."


"Nothing. Ok. First question: With So many Americans suffering during this crisis, how do you plan to help them?"

"Ok, that one's good. Number two." He stretched his neck out and to the side, appraising his scar.

"How do you plan on getting the legislation through?"

"I guess that's harmless. Three." He adjusted his collar and cuffs.

"How do you justify not reaching 100% coverage of all in the country while spending money on wars that don't have objectives?"

"No, no, no. Cut that one out Joe." He gave himself another lookover in the mirror.

"Why? It's a good question."

"Listen, kid. You've got a lot to learn about washington." He took a step towards me and backed me into the wall. He brought his face closer to mine. "Washington is about access, and power." He cocked his head at me. "Since I have the power over you, you wouldn't want me to lose my access. Would you?"

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