Days 125 - 131

1 0 0

125. Frozen

"Act natural!" Callie wailed from behind us. We all spun around and struck our best supermodel pose as a car sailed down the street.

Liz wiped imaginary sweat from her bowl. "Woo. That was a close one!"

126. Alone

One, two, seven, twelve

People in the room

Faces, hairdos

Smiles, eyeballs

Surrounding me in the room

Busy fingers

Dancing lips

Working in the room

One, two, seven, twelve

Other people in the room

I see them

I hear them

I do not feel them


I am still alone

127. Know-it-all

As an individual, you may feel like you have no power. You do. You have the power to speak your mind and fight for what you believe in. You have the power to join a movement that creates change. You have the power to start a movement that creates change. You have more power than you may think.

While movements involve hundreds of thousands of people, it only takes one to start. So start.

128. The Promise

"Do you promise?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "You can't break a promise."

I knelt down to her level and ripped a tear from her cheek. "I promise I will do everything I possibly can to find your mommy."

She looked into her eyes then nodded. "Thank you." She stepped forward and wrapped her little arms around me as far as they would go.

129. Commotion

The crowd reemerged, surrounding us. Engulfing us. Hands grabbed at my back, my shoulders, my arms. The pulled me back from him. The smell of sweat and blood trapped me. Voices came from every direction. They all blurred together in a symphony of noise.

I pulled my bloodsoaked hands to my chest as my heart pounded harder in my chest. My breathing picked up, yet I couldn't take in air fast enough. Heat emanate from the swarm of people surrounding me. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

Another hand grabbed at my arm and I opened my eyes back up. A man was staring at me expectantly. Another man grabbed him from behind as he rolled his eyes. He offered a hand to me. I took it, and he guided me out from the colony and back into the open air.

I took a deep breath of crisp fresh air.

"Better?" He smiled.

I nodded. "Thank you."

130. Read the News Today

Say her name

It's her birthday today

Say her name

She deserved to have cake

Say her name

She deserved to open her gifts

Say her name

She deserved to have fun

Say her name

She deserved to enjoy

Say her name

She deserved to live

Say her name

She deserves justice

Say her name

For her killers to be caught

Say her name

Breonna Taylor

That was her name

131. Macro

I picked up the strange object. The edges were bernt. They had bits of ash clinging to the charred edge. The dark metal stuck out in the center. Grooves lined it up and down, bending only with the shape. I flipped it over. There were more grooves in the back, but this time they came out of the hole with perfect spacing. Inside the hole, there was a small raised piece of metal, a few shades lighter than the rest of the metal.

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