Days 188 - 194

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188. I Am

I am creative

I am caring

I am smart

I am not perfect

But nobody is

I like to play games

I like to make art

I like to write books

I have a big heart

I like to start fires

I like deeper things

I deserve to be happy

I deserve to exist

189. Rainbow

"Were are we?" Color swirled around us.

"We're at the end of the rainbow, of course." She took in a deep breath and twirled. "Isn't it just gorgeous?"

"Magnificent. But, why are we here?"

"We've always been here, sweetie." She flipped her long wavy silver hair over her shoulder. "It's our home. Many live elsewhere, but this place is ours. It's a huge part of who we are."

"Who are you again?"

Her pink eyes stared into me. "I'm you. Well, your other half. But we are one and the same."

190. Museum

"Here." He draped the shaw over my hands. "Do you feel how soft it is?"

"Yeah. Really."

He smiled as he took it off and positioned it back in it's case. "It was a silk blend made from an unknown silkworm species. Scientist have yet to find any other evidence of this particular worm but the fibers are very closely related to the silk spun by silkworms today." He placed the lid back over it.

"How did you get it, if it's so rare?"

He extended his arm forward, inviting to continue down the hall. "I actually found it. Well in the attic. My grandfather had a chest from one of our relatives up in his attic. He left it to me when he passed. I don't think it had been open in quite a while." He stopped and gestured to a golden necklace. A hard knot formed in the pit of my stomach. "This was also in it. There were other documents that I have loaned to other museums, but I kept the two most important artifacts here. Some say this necklace gives them headaches, fevers, chills, and/or nausea. I think it may be cursed. I did some research. There is no trace of this necklace. It just appeared at some point. No trace to who made it. No trace of who it belonged to. I can't find anything."

191. Cartoon

"I mean, yeah, but it's a cartoon."

"And?" I nudged Jason.

"Well, that's childish."

"Are you trying to say the live action tibacle is better?" He leaned in with fire in his eyes.

He looked around and leaned back. His face went red. "No. I'm just saying film is a better, more mature medium."

"Gee bro, you are SO supportive of me."

"Well you're making kid shows, yes?"

Jason burst out laughing. "No kid should EVER watch Annie's stuff! Not unless they want to be scared for life."

"Ok fine. It's just as valid as a live action. Can we drop the subject?"

Jason leaned in. "I'll show you a little preview tomorrow when you come over for dinner." He turned around and got in his car. "And the show is incomparable to the pain that is the movie."

192. Copycat

When the battle was done,

And it was a long battle,

A grueling battle,

The battle of the century,

Where men and women died,

Their bodies laying side by side,

Weapons fired in excess,

Flags flown at half mass,

We toasted with a beer and grin.

(First line from Neither Beast Nor Bird, by Walter Crane)

193. From the Roof-tops

He stood on the ledge. The wind whipped his shirt against him.


"Jason! That's not funny!" Millie waked his hand from his face.

"What? It's Tyler Robertson. He's not suicidal or anything." He smiled and looked around.

Tyler watched the horizon as he took his phone from his pocket. He held it up and took a picture before returning it to its home. Then he looked down. He waved with a smile plastered across his face. "Hey!"

"Tyler! What are you doing?" I stepped up to the police line. One officer let me through.

Tyler looked down at me. "I'm not gonna do anything rash. I just have an announcement." He looked further into the crowd. "Listen up people! First, I want to thank you for coming out here today. There's a few things I want to say first, then I'll make some music for ya."

The crowd roared in response.

"So I guess the first announcement is this." He looked down at his watch then back out. "In One hour and 57 minutes, my contract with GYNM Records will terminate."

The crowd responded with outrage.

Tyler put his hands up to lull them. "Hey! This is a good thing. There will be issues with copyright that we will have to work out, but I will start to produce new songs. There's some really good ones I can't wait for all you to hear." He looked back at me. "The second thing I wanted to say, Is that I am really, really, madly in love with Maria Petre, and I'm really sorry for everything I've put you through."

The crowd went wild. A tear formed in the corner of my eye.

He waited for them to calm down. " I don't deserve you, but I'm sure as heck not giving you up willingly. Baby, would you come up here so you see me when I kneel for you?"

194. Time Travel

"What year is it?"

"What?" I stared back at the green haired woman.

"What year is it again?" She tapped a long black fingernail against her pen.

"It's eighty-" I bit my lip. Get yourself together! "It's 2020."

She smiled at me and wrote something in her notebook. She leaned in closer. "It's a small world. Was that your last destination?"

"What?" She couldn't know, could she?

She took a step back and squinted her eyes. She looked me over before her smile reappeared. "Are you by any chance Jessica Oliver?"

Goosebumps went down my back. "You know me?"

She leaned back in. "Of course! You set the cornerstones for time travel. You're a legend!"

A man on the street shouted at us.

She rolled her eyes. "You picked a terrible year to travel to."

366 Days of Writing Prompts (2020)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang