Days 27 - 33

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27. Closed Doors

She raised up on her toes and peered through the tinted window, blocking the light from the street with her hand. Her head bobbed around the small window, trying to find the best angle to peer through the door. She settled for an angle and stared into the darkness for a minute before nodding her head and walking away.

I waited a minute before making my way to the window. I glanced in before pulling my head back. A tall teen, dressed in a thin white cotton shirt and pants outfit, sat in the corner of the abandoned room. He looked down at his feet and rocked back and forth. I searched the sidewalk where the girl had disappeared. I saw her glide out of sight as she slipped into the small drugstore on the corner.

28. Shadow

Our hands gestured towards the chair. "Won't you please sit down?"

She nodded her head and walked over to the chair. We pulled it out for her, slowly pushing it back in until she sat down. We walked around to the other side of the table as she settled into her seat. "So what is this meeting about exactly?"

We took our seat. "It's about the boy."

"Oh not again." She rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair. She crossed one leg over the other and took out a roll of browned leaves and a match. She lit the match as I cringed. "The boy stays. I thought I made that clear." She wipped her hand side to side, suffocating the flame.

We reached out to her, offering a bottle of amber liquid. "You made yourself very clear. It isn't his registration status that I am concerned about."

She picked up a crystalline mold and pushed it towards the center of the table. "Oh? Than what is your concern, Mister Pall?"

We poured the liquid filling her glass part way before returning the containers top and setting the glass aside. "It's his placement."

"And what exactly is wrong about his placement?"

We grasped our own cup and brought it to our lips. He took a sip before we set it down. "I believe Dementus should be placed in my... special class."

Her eyebrows raised. "I see. You believe his motivation aligns with the others. How certain are you?"

"Well..." The corner of his lip raised ever so slightly. "Let's just say, if I were a betting man, I would put all my chips on his name."

She smiled back. "I see." She took a deep drag and smoke billowed from her lips. "Then I trust you to see to it." She picked up the glass and downed the rest of the liquid. She stood back up and started towards the door.

We swooped up and met her at the door. "As always, it has been a pleasure."

She leaned, placing her baby girl pink lips on his cheek. She hovered by his ear. "I know." With a smile she left and we shut the door behind her.

29. Good Vibes

I scanned the crowd like a doe looking through the trees and shrubbery. My heart hopped as I saw her. The little princess sat staring into Jason's eyes. She studied him while mindlessly sucking on the green pacifier in her mouth. I weaved through the room, smiling and greeting my family. Then I crossed into her view, drawing her attention. She looked me in the eyes, then drew a large smile from under the green blob protruding from her mouth. I smiled back as I took the last few steps towards her. Her hands reached out for me as I leaned in to kiss her head.

30. Shopping

I turned the overhead light on and pulled out Dave's reading glasses. Lillian's letter was pretty standard. The page was covered in red scribbles which I presumed to be a new doll, a kitchen playset, and a pony. We could do two of those. I picked up my pen and started jotting down ideas of what I could get with it. Some dresses. A matching outfit. Wooden spoons. I flipped the page.

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