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𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨


I stopped in front of the apartment complex where Jaemin lived. Damn it, it's been years since I was here.

I stepped inside and made my way upstairs to the second floor.
Thank God I decided to change my high heels at home.

When I arrived the floor, I looked at the three doors. Mhm, if I remember correctly, Jaemin's is the left one- only if he didn't move out of course.

I was right; the nametag next to the doorframe said Na Jaemin.
I took a big breath and rang the doorbell. Hope he's at home.

To my biggest surprise, a young boy opened the door- and it was the high schooler I saw at the café a few times.
He was in a black tracksuit and red socks, a highlighter (??) in his hand.

'D-Dahee?' He stuttered, his lips forming an 'o'.

I raised one of my eyebrows up. 'Do I know you?'

'No, sorry I just.. But for real, are you Dahee? Lee Dahee?'

'Yes, I am. And you are..?' I crossed my arms.

'Uh, I'm Jisung but you don't know me anyways. Are you perhaps here.. because of Jaemin?'

'Yes. Is he at home?'

'Yeah, but he's.. Come inside, you deserve an explanation.' He opened the door widely with a small smile.

I stepped inside, a bit unsure. After taking down my boots and coat, I looked around the flat.

In the living room, a comfy red couch stood with colorful cushions. In front of the couch, there was a coffee table then a TV.
A cabinet with shelves, a floor lamp and a white carpet made up the rest of the living room's furniture.

From the left, there was a modern kitchen then a small hallway next to it. Two bedrooms and a bathroom were opening out to it.

'Would you like some water or- I mean this isn't my flat but you're a guest so..' Jisung chuckled nervously.

I smiled. He's a nice guy. 'No, it's alright.'

'Okay, so you need an explanation, right? Uh.. let's go to the living room.'

We sat on the couch and Jisung ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh.
'Jaemin caught a cold. He has a sore throat and he's coughing real bad. He wanted to tell you he won't be able to come but he lost his phone. I offered to tell you about the whole situation so I went to the café. I've been looking for you for like fifteen minutes but I didn't find you. I knew who you were by a picture, so it wasn't a problem.' He added quickly.

I frowned. 'I was there till 10:49.'

'Oh, shit.' He put his hand in front of his mouth.
'I knew it was my fault.'

'I don't think it was.' I reassured him with a smile.
'Can I.. get some water please? I changed my mind.'

'Of course.' Jisung stood up and walked to the kitchen, me following him. On the kitchen table, there was an opened textbook, probably Jisung's. He was such a nice guy- staying at Jaemin's to check on him while he's sick even though he had his own responsibilities like school.

I watched as he took out a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water. He was sure in his actions- he must have been hanging out at Jaemin's a lot.

'How do you know Jaemin?' I asked after thanking the boy my drink.

'We're neighbours, although I moved here only a few months ago.'

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