Chapter 8

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Phili did not dare to look at the male in the eye, not even sputtered a single word. She just continued to walk forward without looking back if Russia was even following her, but she knows by the sound of his footsteps. Her whole face was red right now, and she's too embarrassed to face him yet. Not after what happened back at the buko shake store.

And here she thought what happened back in the room was the last, she was wrong. One after another, things have been happening to her lately.


The sound of sand cushioning the hard hit of the ball, the signal of the whistle, cheers of people. She turned towards the direction of the noise.

There it is. Volleyball.

It's the perfect distraction to get away from Russia right now. There wouldn't too much to worry about if they were in a group. Just anything, rather than the two of them being alone. She can't take anymore humiliation after what happened.

A group would certainly keep them in distance, to avoid further awkwardness she had already.

She jogged over to the small gathering.

"Oy, do you have any unfilled spots left?" she asked, without getting Russia's opinion. If he doesn't want to play then it's fine, she could still play. She knows she's supposed to be a tour guide and it could come off as insensitive, but she desperately needs something to get her mind off it, not with how the tall country is currently acting.

"You with the tall guy, ey?" the person, who was holding the whistle asked. "With have two, one for each team."


Phili inhaled deeply, as she tried to catch her breath. A bead of sweat trailed her chin and she felt the cool breeze passing by as she was left heavily perspiring. She crouched down, leaning her weight as she grabbed her knees.

Dang, she became rusty.

Being cooped up in the office room, constantly sitting and typing away without proper breaks and exercise took a toll on her. It was only one game yet it felt so long. Her stamina decreased throughout her years of inactivity. Her muscles feel strained as well and she feel her bones cracking and hurting from the numerous jumps and moves she made.

Russia, well, he was doing better than her.

It almost made her just throw a punch to what has she become.


Geez. She threw her head back as she continued to pant, taking in the almost setting sun. She didn't realize it was already time to head back.

Russia noticed the girl's not-so-good state and decided it was enough.

"I had fun," Russia smiled at the players as he informed them they're heading back. They bid them farewell.

Phili turned to look over at him approaching.

Doesn't he feel hot in that sweater? Damn, she wished she could be chill as him. It wasn't that Russia isn't sweating, he's in a better state compared to her. She can't help but think, sana all.

"You alright?"

"Yeah," she breathlessly replied. She wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with her sleeve.

She feels uncomfortable and sticky.

She stretched her limbs and bent her back, it produced a small 'clack'.

Oh gosh, she's so out-of-shape.

Well, it's a good thing she was able to shake off the embarrassment from a while ago and the pent-up stress she had all those years. Now, she feels light and clear-headed, much to her surprise and joy.

She faced Russia with a refreshed spirit.

"The tour is still not done." This should, at least, pay the debt she owed him for disregarding his opinion and suddenly playing volleyball, it's a relief that the male was cool with it. "You haven't enjoyed the night-life here yet."

He chuckled. "We should change clothes first though."


"H-hey, slow down."

Russia looked over worriedly at the female country. Her eyes half-lidded and cloudy. There was a tinge of pink on her cheeks and as her head hung, a light hiccup coming from her lips. She giggled and her voice rung like little bells on the tall country's ears. The dim light of the place casted a shadow over the two, making them unnoticeable from plain sight. A slow music playing on the background sets the laid-back mood and the hushed whispers from the others gave them privacy of their own.

"I-an inbinsibol~" she claimed and another giggle came out of her.

"Philippines," he frowned, "you're drunk."

"So, ayy em." She held a smile as she leaned in to the male's face. "Got any pob-em~?"



Still alive. Anyway, I'm just gonna inform you that this is my second account, and why I'm telling you this? It's because I want you guys to know why this doesn't get that much update and only short chapters although I do try to, it's because I have my own original works to deal with on my first. It's basically fantasies, if not, then mystery :p

Yeah, also this is the reason why I'm not adept in writing romance, it may sound cringe as you read it TwT. Author hates drama, but creates drama.

Yup, I'm a hypocrite.

But don't worry, I'm the type of person who gives decent-qualities when it comes to creations.

Also, tell this story to your fellow friends and shippers.

And I think I'm forgetting something... ah, the book cover, lol. Title sounds cringe as well. Another lol.

LOL, Phili   [Rusphil]Where stories live. Discover now