Chapter 26

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The soft touch of light passed through the glass door and stirred Russia awake. Groaning as he sat up, the quite ambience of the room was like a lullaby lulling him to sleep. He can't help but notice sweat dripping down his forehead.

Ah. He remembered lowering the ac last night despite his discomfort. Phili was like a wet sheep shivering in the cold yesterday.

Throwing the covers, he went to lower the temperature. His dark t-shirt soaked on his back as he absentmindedly scratched his head, making the nest on his hair even more untamable. His ushanka fell and he bent to pick it up.

His eyes landed on his wrist-watch, the small hand pointing to nine and the other to ten. It's almost lunch and he's still half-asleep.

He internally cursed.

Speaking of which, the girl must have probably went to her own room, leaving him by himself. They're supposed to spend time in the beach today, if following their set schedule. No doubt, because of him, they're already late.

Speeding to get ready, he dashed around the room in hopes to salvage what time they have left, but his stomach growled when he was about to grabbed his ushanka sitting at the lean of the couch. He wiped his face with an exasperatedly sighed.

10:01. He glanced down at his watch, calculating the time if he still can make a quick meal before heading out. He turned to the kitchen to check what available resources he can use. To his surprise, a steaming bowl of porridge was set on the table. Hot and new.

His face contorted into confusion. Did she make this?

The chair scratched the floor as he pulled it back, sitting down to stare at the food. A light smile played his lips and his gaze softened. Offered with a dish by someone... how foreign yet heartwarming.



I apologize if this is really short! But it's been a while, and I'm drowning with lots of activities right now... also, I wanted to take a short break on writing in general but I'm trying to pull myself in back together lol. Ever since I started lol phili, I have somewhat neglected my originals that they are rotting in my other account so I had to move my attention for a while XD

I also am sorry that I haven't updated the original plot in about a month already and just feeding you guys with other things lmao... also the last request is currently on the making so I'll post it when I'm done.

LOL, Phili   [Rusphil]Where stories live. Discover now