Chapter 15

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Phone Ringing...


"Bro where are you!?" Francia yelled

"At Alexis' house."

"I told you to wait here!"


"No buts you asshole. Alexis is in the hospital"


"Stay. I'm going to get you there."

What the hell is happening!? I'm freakin worried about Alexis.


This is all my fault

What the heck happened?!

Ohh God......

I hope she's alright....

or maybe Coltrane is the one there...

Damn him!

Sat down by the door and caressed my face.

Thinking everything is just a dream.

Is this Love? You worry about someone so much even though that person can never be yours? I hate it! I hate this feeling. I'm already soft

"Yes you are Bro!"

"I'm talking to myself again!"

"Its normal bro. About Alexis? Bro this is Love and it speaks only to sacrifice and commitment. You waited for 18 years, 18 long years bro! You may think this is not true. But right now?"

"Realize everything"

"Thanks for being there myself."

"You should love yourself bro"


I'm crazy but to things when you don't have friends with you? you can comfort yourself by talking alone. Time to think if to put in other words


"Bro! Come on! we don't have much time!" Francia said while honking the car

Got in and spoke not a word not nothing or anything to her.

What the heck!

is happening!?

Why now!?

It seems like every problem is on my shoulders right now.


Its happening again...

"Get out! we're here already." She said

What awaits me inside!?


Room 143.






"So is this it? Alexis is inside right?" she nodded

opened the door and saw Alexis lying down and Jessa beside her shocked of the happenings as well

Alexis is fine. I think

I got closer step by step at a time

then saw the other side of her body with bruises.

"W-what happened!?"

"Alexis....She was....." Francia said

"What!?! Tell me! God damn it!"

Secretly In Love With My BestfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora